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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Traffic signal paint

Polyurethane finish coats for these systems meets MnDOT 3532

Manufacturer Intermediate Coat Finish Coat
PPG Amercoat 385 Multi-Purpose Amercoat 450 HS Aliphatic
Carboline Co. Carboline 888 Carboline 133 HB (Simi Gloss)
Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 Acrolon 218
Sherwin Williams Recoatable Epoxy B67 Series Acrolon 218
Freda Inc. 306 Poluran ZRU Fredathane I Ultra

Aluminum finish coats for these systems meets MnDOT 3533

Manufacturer Intermediate Coat Finish Coat
Sherwin Williams Corothane I - Mio-Aluminum Corothane I - Mio-Aluminum
Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646
Recoatable Epoxy B67
Acrolon 218 (aluminum filled)
Freda Inc. 306 Poluran ZRU Fredathane I Ultra