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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Wet reflective marking materials

Elements for Multi-Component Liquids – Recoverable

Application with an approved epoxy paint material is required.

Product Manufacturer Approval Date
3M Connected Roads All Weather Elements Series 70 for Epoxy Pavement Markings (PDF)

3M 2/21/2013
Visimax Plus Type IV EC/AC White and Yellow Glass Beads Potters Industries 8/22/2014
VISI-ULTRA® Potters Industries 4/23/2024
VisiUltra 455
Potters Industries Provisional to 12/31/2024 (PDF)

Elements for Latex Paint - Recoverable

Application with an approved high-build paint material is required.

Product Manufacturer Approval Date
3M Connected Roads All Weather Elements Series 90 for Paint Pavement Markings (PDF)
3M 2/20/2008
Visimax Plus Type IV UC/AC White and Yellow Glass Beads
Potters Industries 8/22/2014
VISI-ULTRA® Potters Industries 4/23/2024
VisiUltra 455
Potters Industries Provisional to 12/31/2024 (PDF)

Tape System - Permanent

Product Manufacturer Approval Date
Stamark 380/381 AW (PDF) 3M 3/12/19

Tape System - Temporary (Removable) - Recoverable*

Product Manufacturer Approval Date
Tape Series 710-711-715 (PDF)
NOTE: Does not require TRPMs
3M 4/24/2012

Stamark™ Wet Retroreflective Removable Tape Series 710IR

3M Commercial Branding and Transportation Division Provisional to 12/31/2024 (PDF)
Brite-Line 100
NOTE: When installed with approved TRPMs (PDF)
Brite-Line 5/17/2012

*NOTE: Reflective specifications are met by these products with either components integral to the material itself or in a combination with other components (as noted). Install as per manufacturer's recommendations.