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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Signal modems

900 MHz Wireless Spread Spectrum Data Modems

Product Manufacturer Manufacturer Address Approval date Removal date
Wireless Interconnect Radio 5100S Encom 7,640-42 Avenue N.E.
Calgary, AB, Canada
T2E 719
1/10/2008 11/21/23
Wireless Data Transceiver Communicator II Intuicom Inc 1880 South Flatiron Court
Boulder, CO 80301
1/10/2008 11/21/23
Wireless Spread Spectrum Modem Spectra 910 Microhard Systems Inc P.O. Box 14460, #17
2135- 32nd Ave. N.E.
Calgary, AB, Canada
T2E 6Z3
1/10/2008 11/21/23