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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Temporary Barriers

Portable Precast Concrete Barrier

MnDOT has no Approved Products List for these devices. Portable precast concrete barrier shall be installed per MnDOT specifications.  See Work Zones Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) device standards for more information. Other barrier designs will be allowed if certified by the FHWA as meeting or exceeding the MASH-16, TL-3. Different barrier designs shall not be connected together.

Moveable Concrete Barrier

End user shall assume all responsibility for proper application and adherence to the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Product Manufacturer FHWA Hardware Eligibility Letter Approval Date
Road Zipper Barrier – Concrete Reactive Tension System (CRTS) 18” Lindsay Transportation Solutions B-277 12/18/2019

Portable Steel Barrier

End user shall assume all responsibility for proper application and adherence to the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Product Manufacturer FHWA Hardware Eligibility Letter Approval Date
Zoneguard® Hill & Smith Inc. B-320 12/18/2019
BarrierGuard 800 Laura Metaal Road Safety Inc. B-303 12/18/2019
BarrierGuard 800 MDS Laura Metaal Road Safety Inc. B-302 12/18/2019
Defender Barrier 100HC* Safe Barriers, LLC B-297 12/18/2019

Defender Barrier 100LDS

Safe Barriers, LLC B-298 12/18/2019
HV2 Safety Barrier* Saferoads B-306, B-308 12/18/2019
HighwayGuard™* Valtir, LLC B-329, B-330 9/29/2021
HighwayGuard™ LDS* Valtir, LLC B-322, B-323, B-331 9/29/2021

 *Product meets the crash test and evaluation criteria for TL-4.