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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Temporary Pedestrian Access Route (TPAR) devices

Detectable warning surfaces (temporary truncated domes).

Audible Message Devices

Audible Message Devices to be used in Alternate Pedestrian Routes for pedestrians with visual impairments.

Pedestrian Channelizers and Pedestrian Railing Systems

MnDOT does not maintain an Approved Products List for Pedestrian Channelizer and Pedestrian Railing System devices. The installer of these devices and systems must self-certify that they comply with all the specifications found in Part 6 of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Public Right-Of-Way accessibility guidelines - PROWAG (Nov 2005 version). Dimensions and other requirements may be found on Figure 6K-12 of the Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual.

Sidewalk Barricades

MnDOT does not maintain an Approved Products List for Sidewalk Barricades. The installer of these devices must self-certify that they comply with all the specifications found in Part 6 of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Public Right-Of-Way accessibility guidelines - PROWAG (Nov 2005 version). Dimensions and other requirements may be found on Figure 6K-12 of the Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual.

Temporary Walkway Surfaces

MnDOT does not maintain an Approved Products List for Temporary Walkway Surfaces. The installer of these devices must self-certify that they comply with all the specifications found in Part 6 of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Public Right-Of-Way accessibility guidelines - PROWAG (Nov 2005 version). Dimensions and other requirements may be found in Part 6F.74.1 of the MN MUTCD.