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Approved/Qualified Products

Dry Cast Wall Modular Block and Geogrid System Combinations

Last update April 2024

Dry Cast Wall Modular Block Units* Approved Geogrid Reinforcement (by Class)
MBW Manufacturer MBW Unit Block Height (ft) Block Depth (ft) Batter (deg) MBW 1050 MBW 1400 MBW 2100
Allan Block AB Classic 0.635 1.0 6.7 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Allan Block AB Vertical 0.635 1.0 3.0 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Anchor Block Diamond Pro 0.67 1.0 7.1 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Anchor Block Landmark 1.25 1.0 1.0 or 3.8 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Anchor Block Vertica 0.67 0.92 2.0 or 4.0 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Keystone Compac II 1 1.0 0.0, 4.0 or 8.0 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Keystone Compac III 1 1.0 0.0, 4.0 or 8.0 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Keystone Standard 0.75 1.5 or 1.75 0.0, 4.0 or 8.0 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Rockwood Classic 8 0.67 1.0 7.1 Geostar HP 300 Geostar HP 300 -
Versalok Nexus 0.67 1.0 7.1 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Versalok Nexus 0.67 1.0 7.1 - Synteen SF 55 Synteen SF 80
Versalok Square Foot Unit 0.67 1.0 7.1 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Versalok Square Foot Unit 0.67 1.0 7.1 Synteen SF 35 - Synteen SF 80
Versalok Standard 0.5 1.0 7.1 Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT
Versalok Standard 0.5 1.0 7.1 - - Synteen SF 80

New Dry Cast Modular Block Wall product combinations (systems) require a submittal for the Geogrid Reinforcement and for the Modular Block. Geogrid submittals must include current NTPEP test results for ultimate tensile strength, allowable tensile strength and test results that support creep, installation damage and durability factors. Modular Block submittals require physical block characteristics, connection of the geogrid to the modular block strength testing, and documentation according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Manual.