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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Prefabricated modular block walls

Note: The pre-qualification of the PMBW system shall not be regarded as final design acceptance.

Pre-Qualified Prefabricated Modular Block Wall With Earth Reinforcement

Wall System Status/Limitation Date Pre-Qualified Description Geomembrane Requirements Miscellaneous Notes
ReCon Wall Systems, Inc. by Interlock Concrete Products
3535 Bluff Dr, Jordan, MN 55352
Approved. Max wall height is 18' exposed, 20' total. Not allowed to support a roadway until approved barrier details are submitted to the Bridge Office. 8/7/2007 Geogrid Exempt RECON 24-INCH/Tensar Input Parameters for MSEW Program and 50% Coverage.
Redi Rock wall systems by Eulls Manufacturing
3187 Labeaux Ave NE
St Michael, MN 55376
Approved. Max wall height is 18' exposed, 20' total. Not allowed to support a roadway until approved barrier details are submitted to the Bridge Office. 8/28/2007 Geogrid Exempt REDI-ROCK/Mirafi Design Parameters
Redi Rock positive connection wall systems by Eulls Manufacturing
3187 Labeaux Ave NE
St Michael, MN 55376
Approved. Max wall height is 18’ exposed, 20' total. Not allowed to support a roadway until approved barrier details are submitted to the Bridge Office. 12/29/2015 Geogrid Exempt None

Maccaferri Terramesh
103030 Governor Lane Blvd
Williamsport, MD 21795

Approved. Max wall height is 20’. Not allowed to support a roadway until approved barrier details are submitted to the Bridge Office. 6/19/2008 Steel Mesh Required** None
FABCON Phase II Sentry-Cast System
6111 West Hwy 13
Savage, MN 55378
Approved. Max wall height is 10’ exposed, 12' total. Not allowed to support a roadway until approved barrier details are submitted to the Bridge Office. 12/29/2015 Geogrid Exempt None
London Boulder
JME Companies

1401 Fallon Ave
Monticello, MN 55362
763- 295-3122
Approved. Max wall height is 10' exposed, 12’ total. Not allowed to support a roadway until approved barrier details are submitted to the Bridge Office. 2/8/2011 Geogrid Exempt Geogrid Mirifi 5XT, 8XT Design Parameters
LedgeRock by Amcon Concrete Products
2025 Center Pointe Boulevard
Suite 300
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Approved.  Max wall height is 10’ exposed, 12’ total.  Not allowed to support a roadway until approved barrier details are submitted to the Bridge Office. 4/1/2020 Geogrid Exempt Synteen SF 55, SF 80, or SF 90 and 50% coverage

**Required when supporting roadway