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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Approved/Qualified Products

Reinforced Soil Slope (RSS) geosynthetic reinforcement

Last update April 2024

Geogrid Reinforcement (by Class)

Manufacturer/Product Reinforcement Class
RSS 700
Reinforcement Class
RSS 1050
Reinforcement Class
RSS 1400
Reinforcement Class
RSS Secondary*
Mirafi Miragrid 3XT Miragrid 5XT Miragrid 8XT Miramesh GR, Miragrid 2XT
Synteen SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 20
Tensar UX1100MSE UX1400MSE UX1500MSE UX1100MSE
Geostar HP 300 HP 300    -† HP 300

* When product wraps around the slope face, Ultraviolet Light (UV) test results must demonstrate long-term durability.

† Manufacturer has not submitted a product meeting requirements for this Reinforcement Class

New product submittals require current NTPEP test results for ultimate tensile strength, allowable tensile strength and test results that support creep, installation damage, and durability factors.