Engineering process | Preliminary Design
Cooperative Construction Agreements
There are construction projects that demonstrate a transportation need that provide mutual benefit to MnDOT and local units of government. Agreements specify the responsibilities of MnDOT and the local government unit for applying local funding to MnDOT projects or MnDOT funding to locally initiated projects on the trunk highway system, and maintaining elements of the system upon completion of the construction project.
When to use this subject
Use this guidance on any project that involves a local unit of government or other state agency. If the agreement is for utility work only, and does not include local maintenance or other local construction, then use a Utility Agreement via the Utility Agreements and Permits Unit. Types of agreement include cooperative construction, cooperative interagency, traffic signal, lighting, detour, art in right of way, living snow fence, turnback, maintenance, and landscape partnership agreements with cities, counties, and other units of government. The type of agreement you need will vary according to the aspects of the project.
For specific process information, see the other guidance page and/or contact the individual on the contacts page.
How this subject fits into the overall project development process
You can start working with the Cooperative Agreements Unit in the project development phase. You can submit an agreement request checklist, which is available on the internal Cooperative Agreements website (This content is available only from computers on MnDOT's internal network), once your construction plan is 95 percent complete. You must have an executed agreement in place to let the project.
Organizations involved
- MnDOT:
- Office of Contract Management
- Cooperative Agreements Unit
- Utility Agreements and Permits Unit
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Section
- Project Managers
- District Design
- District State Aid
- District Right of Way/Land Management
- District Permits
- Municipalities and counties
- Other State Agencies