Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Shared mobility

Shared mobility in Greater Minnesota | Moving Greater Minnesota Forward

Moving Greater Minnesota Forward Phase 2: Real World Testing

We encourage projects that successfully complete Phase 1 and developed an idea that is ready for real world testing to apply for up to two years of pilot funding in Phase 2. The purpose of Phase 2 grants is to provide funding for demonstration projects of up to two years as a proof of concept for shared mobility projects in Greater Minnesota. Phase 2 seeks to help shared mobility projects that have successfully completed Phase 1 to implement their shared mobility idea in a real-world test that may be used to scale and expand their project after Phase 2 is complete.

Application period

Our winter 2024 solicitation for Phase 2 grants has closed. We plan to have another Phase 2 solicitation in winter 2025. For 2025, Phase 2 applicants will be required to successfully complete our Phase 1 program.

We currently have a Summer 2025 cohort open with applications closing Wednesday, June 5. We will also have one more Phase 1 cohort ahead of the next Phase 2 solicitation this fall. Apply for a seat in the next cohort.

Email Elliott McFadden to be added to the notification list when the solicitation opens.

Selected projects

Once we have selected projects for award, we will list the projects and their award amount.