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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Traffic Engineering

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Minnesota Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

mn mutcd 2015 cover


The Minnesota Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices has been meeting monthly since October,1993. This committee serves the MnDOT Commissioner and the community of traffic engineering professionals by providing guidance on current Minnesota Statutes, standards, policies and practices as they pertain to all public streets and highways in Minnesota.

We provide a process for all partners to add, revise or modify language in the Minnesota MUTCD to reflect the current guidelines and standards. This includes the review of changes and proposed changes in the Federal MUTCD, response to documents in the Federal Register from the Federal Highway Administration and replies to questionnaires from national organizations such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Institute of Transportation Engineers and National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

These recommendations are passed on to the Commissioner of Transportation for adoption through the issuance of a Commissioner's Order. The Commissioner of Transportation has authority to establish a uniform system of traffic control devices (Minnesota Statute Section 169.06, subd. 1).


Meeting minutes

Meeting schedule

Meets the second Wednesday of every month.

MUTCD membership

Current members