Highway Safety Improvement Program
HSIP Implementation Plan
In April 2022, MnDOT was notified by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that the state had failed to meet or make significant progress toward 2020 calendar year targets. The HSIP Implementation Plan (PDF) report summarizes the state of the practice for traffic safety in Minnesota as well as outlines actions to be taken to make subsequent targets.
Can local government get funding for low cost highway improvements?
The Federal government has set aside approximately $33 million (in 2018) for HSIP safety projects; 60% of these funds are set aside for local safety projects. Specific regulations must be followed to apply for the funds. See the Local HSIP Announcement for further details.
Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
MnDOT District Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
- District HSIP Announcement: Greater Minnesota (PDF)
Reference material
The following material may be helpful in the application process, including calculations and reference materials/examples.
- Crash Modification Factors Clearinghouse
- Benefit/Cost (B/C) worksheet - revised July 2023 (Excel)
- Crash rate calculator
- FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program reporting
- State Aid funding
- Wright County Rural Intersection Lighting Policy (PDF)