Hwy 10/Hwy 32 interchange design-build completed project
SP 1401-150, Letting 11/19/04
Project completed in 2005.
About the project
MnDOT - District 4 (Detroit Lakes/Morris)
State Project Number: 1401-150
This project was completed through a single design-build contract that consisted of:
- lowering Hwy 10 by 10 feet
- construction of a bridge on Hwy 32 (Br. #14014) over Hwy 10
- ramps in all 4 quadrants - conventional diamond
- wetland restoration
- a Park and Ride facility
Hwy 10 is a medium priority Interregional Corridor (IRC). Hwy 32 intersects Hwy 10 near Hawley, Minn. in Clay County.
- $8.6 million
- Hwy 10 is a major east-west IRC that parallels I-94 from Moorhead to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan area.
- This corridor has experienced significant traffic growth.
- Fifteen crashes have occurred at this intersection in the past five years.
- Twelve of the 15 crashes were right-angle-type crashes; the other three were rear-end collisions.
- Four of the right angle crashes involved fatalities.
- In response to the number of crashes, a project was added to the program for construction in 2009.
- In September 2003, Governor Tim Pawlenty identified this project in his Transportation Finance Bill which is designed to fund critical highway and transportation projects.
- This innovative plan uses internal savings and redeploys existing non-construction resources to finance projects, which accelerated this project by three years.
- The project was advanced an additional year using design-build contracting. Construction then began in 2005.
- Increased safety for the traveling public with fewer crashes that involve injuries and fatalities
- Easier access for trucks and cars from Hwy 32 to Hwy 10.
- Construction of an interchange that prevents another signal from being added to an IRC route.
- Obtaining a 3.89 benefit/cost ratio for this improvement.