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We recommend these resources for all levels and learning styles to study and practice Dakota and Ojibwe languages, grammar and dialects.

550 Dakota Verbs

Harlan LaFontaine, Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux and Neil McKay, Spirit Lake Dakota. "550 Dakota Verbs provides students of Dakota - and the Lakota and Nakota dialects - the proper conjugations for 550 verbs from adi (to step or walk on) to zo (to whistle). This book features clear explanations of Dakota conjugation patterns, as well as extensive Dakota-English and English-Dakota word lists. An appendix reproduces John P. Williamson's classic discussion of Dakota verb usage, written at the turn of the twentieth century. Designed to enhance everyday conversations, as well as contribute to research and the revitalization of this endangered language, 550 Dakota Verbs is a resource for all who are interested in Dakota and its dialects (2005)." (Native contributor)

Aaniin Ekidong

Ojibwe Vocabulary Project. "For the Ojibwe language to live it must be used for everything every day. While most Ojibwe people live in a modern world, dominated by computers, motors, science, mathematics, and global issues, the language that has grown to discuss these things is not often taught or thought about by most teachers and students of the language. A group of nine fluent elders representing several different dialects of Ojibwe gathered with teachers from Ojibwe immersion schools and university language programs to brainstorm and document less-well-known but critical modern Ojibwe terminology. Topics discussed include science, medicine, social studies, geography, mathematics, and punctuation. This book is the result of their labors." (Native contributor)

Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe

John Nichols. "The most up-to-date resource for those interested in the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Anishinaabe, A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe contains more than 7,000 of the most frequently used Ojibwe words (1994)." (Minnesotan)

An English-Dakota Dictionary

John Williamson. "The language of the Dakota people was first put into written form by missionaries who lived within and learned from the Dakota community in the Minnesota River valley. John P. Williamson (1835-1917), son of missionary Dr. Thomas S. Williamson, grew up speaking both English and Dakota, then spent most of his adult life as a missionary on the Santee Reservation in northeastern Nebraska. In 1902, he produced An English-Dakota Dictionary. A companion volume, A Dakota-English Dictionary by Stephen R. Riggs, is also available from the Minnesota Historical Society Press. These two dictionaries preserve the older language and remain the most comprehensive and accurate lexicons available. They are essential cultural and linguistic sources for all Students of the Dakota Language as well as historians, anthropologists, linguists, and ethnologists (1992)."

Pocket Ojibwe: A Phrasebook for Nearly All Occasions

Patricia Ningewance, Lac Seul First Nation. "How to speak Ojibwe at airports, bus depots, bush trails, ceremonies, conferences, courtrooms, hospitals, and on the rez (2009)." (Native contributor)

kota Wicohan

Dakota Wicohan. "This nonprofit's mission is to revitalize Dakota as a living language, and through it, transmit Dakota lifeways to future generations." (Native contributor and Minnesotan)

Geyaabi Ozhichigaadeg

Bradley Harrington, Jr, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. "The resource for applied Ojibwe grammar." (Native contributor and Minnesotan)

The Ojibwe People’s Dictionary

University of Minnesota. Online Ojibwe dictionary. (Minnesotan)

Margaret Noodin, Ojibwe; Stacie Sheldon, and Alphonse Pitawanakwat. "A website showing that Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe language) is alive and well." (Native contributor)

Dakota Iapi Teunhindapi: We Cherish the Dakota Language

Dakota Wicohan. "A 55-minute documentary film sharing the story of the Dakota language in Minnesota through original interviews with community elders." (Native contributor and Minnesotan)