Alert: Beware of fake messages pretending to be MnDOT, E-ZPass or tolling agencies. We don’t text or email for payment. Delete and don’t respond.

Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Civil Rights

Ensuring equal opportunity for all businesses and personnel on our projects

Loans, grants, and requests for proposals

Micro Grant

Grants for certified small businesses to help increase business capacity. Businesses may use grant funds on eligible business expenses. 

Working Capital Loan Fund

Loans for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises or Targeted Group Businesses. DBEs and TGBs must have been awarded a Minnesota Department of Transportation contract or must be bidding on a project. Loan funds may be used for financial training, support or assistance.

Requests for proposals

Pursue opportunities for financial support for eligible small businesses and for partnering on MnDOT programs and projects.