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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Construction information tools

Haul roads and detours

During a construction project, it may be necessary to designate a city or county road as a haul road or detour.  Either designation requires a Commissioner's Order. Several laws govern the establishment of haul roads and detours as well as the Minnesota Constitution.

Learn about the regulations

Designate a haul road

  1. Review Right of Way Manual sections 115.6 and 115.7
  2. Complete a Haul Road Designation form (Word) 
  3. Send form to Commissioner's Order Supervisor once the haul road/detour transaction has been completed and all signatures affixed so that a Commissioner's Order can be prepared.
  4. Review procedure information in the Haul Road Task Force memo (PDF)

Make payment

If there is invisible damage to haul road or detour, the Contractor is liable for payment. Refer to Standard Specifications for Construction 2051.3A for haul road payment information.