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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Work Zone Safety

Certified lists

Traffic Control Supervisor certified list

ID Last Name First Name Dept/Company TCS Exp
3303 Abrahamson Paul D. Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2028
2501 Adams Derek C. Safety Signs 5/31/2027
1820 Adams Travis Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
5288 Adams Jerome MnDOT - Metro District 5/31/2029
4603 Afoda Adnane Carver County 5/31/2029
1434 Ahl William MN Paving & Materials 5/31/2028
2037 Albertson Orrin F. Omann Contracting Companies, Inc. 5/31/2028
4778 Aleshire Brock Safety Signs 5/31/2025
3344 Allen Kevin Carver County Public Works 5/31/2029
4146 Althaus Luke Warning Lites 5/31/2027
5135 Amos Steve Fahrner Asphalt Sealers 5/31/2028
3663 Anderson Dan Knife River Materials 5/31/2025
3884 Anderson Curt Scott County 5/31/2026
4330 Anderson Brian Washington County Public Works 5/31/2028
3149 Anderson Dallas A. Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2028
5097 Anderson Jordan Peterson Companies 5/31/2028
4536 Anderson Dustin MnDOT - Oakdale 5/31/2029
4579 Anderson Ross Ulland Brothers 5/31/2029
1441 Arnold Nick Warning Lites 5/31/2025
3165 Austin Andrew City of St. Paul - Sewer 5/31/2025
2585 Baasen Ryan MnDOT - D4 5/31/2029
3928 Bach Sam PSC 5/31/2026
2829 Balcer Brianne M. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 5/31/2027
2770 Baldwin Tim A. Bituminous Paving Inc 5/31/2027
1758 Baldwin Keith A. Bituminous Paving Inc 5/31/2027
4758 Bargrain Brandon Q3 Contracting 5/31/2025
5134 Barone Adam Fahrner Asphalt Sealers 5/31/2028
4325 Barron Brian Q3 Contracting 5/31/2028
5116 Barry Brad Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
2373 Barthel Steve Minn-Dak Asphalt Inc. 5/31/2025
3646 Bauer Casey Milestone Materials 5/31/2025
4903 Bauman Eric Ulland Brothers 5/31/2025
1447 Bear John (Woody) Shafer Contracting Co., Inc. 5/31/2027
5384 Bendickson Ryan Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 5/31/2029
4660 Benjamin John City of Minneapolis 5/31/2029
5083 Bennett Thad Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
4576 Bergemann Ryan   5/31/2029
4546 Bergstad Dylan Safety Signs 5/31/2029
4118 Bernau Adam Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
4764 Beyer Ryan Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2028
5041 Bissen Matt Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
4239 Blaufuss Steven M. MnDOT-Maintance CO 5/31/2027
2062 Blocker James Anderson Brothers Constr Co 5/31/2028
4732 Blonigen Benjamin Night Train Trucking 5/31/2025
1459 Bly Derrick J. Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
5375 Boisclair Stephen Wright County 5/31/2029
5236 Boorman Bradley Ulland Brothers, Inc. 5/31/2029
1889 Borgen Richard A. All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2027
4741 Botan Abdilahi City of Minneapolis 5/31/2025
4739 Botten Cade Hennepin County 5/31/2025
3710 Bowar John Safety Signs 5/31/2025
4187 Bowen Jesse OMG Midwest dba MN Paving & Materials 5/31/2028
4908 Bradley James Fahrner Asphalt 5/31/2025
4792 Brady Dan City of Saint Paul 5/31/2025
4735 Bramwell Dave Hennepin County 5/31/2025
5077 Brande Sean Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2028
4541 Braun Ben Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
3314 Braun Chad R. Carver County Public Works 5/31/2029
4154 Brown Bob S M Hentges & Sons, Inc. 5/31/2027
1466 Bruer Joseph P. MnDOT - CO Construction 5/31/2028
4837 Buchanan Caleb Warning Lites 5/31/2025
2273 Buchholz Justin NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2029
5080 Burgmeier Sue Anoka County 5/31/2028
3760 Burmaster Richard Redstone Construction 5/31/2029
4413 Bye Brad Knife River Materials 5/31/2028
5098 Campbell Kolby Peterson Companies 5/31/2028
3693 Cardinal Jacob Hennepin County 5/31/2025
1822 Cariolano Dan Warning Lites 5/31/2027
5072 Carlberg Shane Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2028
5108 Carlson Shawn MnDOT-D2 5/31/2028
3709 Carstens Brady Safety Signs 5/31/2025
4382 Casemore Jeff Safety Signs 5/31/2028
2055 Castro Joel A. 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
5226 Chandler Leevi Duininck Inc. 5/31/2029
4754 Choban Isaiah Q3 Contracting 5/31/2025
4709 Christensen Josh Hennepin County 5/31/2029
5313 Christensen Travis Duininck, Inc. 5/31/2029
4473 Christians Clint Landwehr Construction Inc 5/31/2028
4134 Christiansen Levi Casper Construction, Inc. 5/31/2027
4406 Cielinski James Rl Larson Excavating 5/31/2028
5237 Clement Tyler Ulland Brothers, Inc. 5/31/2029
3984 Cogswell Gerald Safety Signs 5/31/2027
2617 Conway Jon Safety Signs 5/31/2027
3405 Cooper Lance M. Ulland Brothers Inc 5/31/2029
4316 Cordell Joshua Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
2053 Cory Ryan H. 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
3896 Costigan Sam Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2026
2663 Coudron Erika A. MnDOT - Marshall 5/31/2026
4749 Crapser Chase Interstate Traffic Signs 5/31/2025
5124 Czech Mike Short, Elliott, Hendrickson, Inc. 5/31/2028
4718 Dahmes Shelby Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2025
4801 Davidson Cole Davidson Construction, Inc 5/31/2028
4097 Davis Ben Safety Signs 5/31/2027
4661 Davis Rob Compass Consultants 5/31/2029
1346 Davis Greg D. Knife River - N. Central 5/31/2029
5323 Dawson Justin Carver County Public Works 5/31/2029
4340 Decker Jonathan Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
3907 Delmore Robert Scott Construction 5/31/2025
5303 Derby Shawn NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2029
4728 Dhaene Dan Northwest Asphalt Inc. 5/31/2028
5225 Diers Chris Duininck Inc. 5/31/2029
4179 Dippon Glenn Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2027
4731 Dobmeier Justin Night Train Trucking 5/31/2025
2568 Doerr Jon Standard Sidewalk, Inc. 5/31/2026
5341 Donovan Michael Meyer Contracting 5/31/2029
4823 Dreshar John Peterson Companies 5/31/2025
3609 Drysdale Cody MnDOT - Metro GV 5/31/2027
2305 Duke Marcel City of St. Paul Sewer 5/31/2025
4533 Dyrdal Brent RJ Zavoral & Sons Inc. 5/31/2029
5086 Eang Tim Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
5254 Eastlick Howard Meyer Contracting, Inc. 5/31/2029
2250 Ecklund Dwain A. Warning Lites 5/31/2025
4390 Edberg Troy Knife River Materials 5/31/2028
1902 Edwards Brian S. Hennepin County 5/31/2027
2051 Eggen Kevin R. 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
5378 Eggersgluss Eric Peterson Companies 5/31/2029
5092 Eisel Rick Anderson Brothers Constr Co 5/31/2028
5087 Elbatta Malek Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
1992 Engstrom Nick D. Michels Corp 5/31/2029
5298 Euerle Terry Peterson Companies 5/31/2029
3479 Evans Bill C.S. McCrossan Construction, Inc. 5/31/2029
3137 Evens Jeff T. SEH Inc. 5/31/2029
5339 Fairchild Dennis Anderson Brothers Construction 5/31/2029
4767 Fate Dustin Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2028
4850 Fell Tyler S M Hentges & Sons, Inc. 5/31/2025
4557 Fielder Jeff Safety Signs 5/31/2029
5315 Fitzsimmons Tyler Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
5137 Flaherty Conor Meyer Contracting, Inc. 5/31/2029
3675 Flannery David W. Carver County Public Works 5/31/2025
5328 Flaten Derek TKDA 5/31/2029
4819 Flores III Tomas NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2025
5302 Ford Andrew NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2029
2841 Foster Kenneth E. Peterson Conpanies 5/31/2027
4323 Frazier Anthony Prim 5/31/2028
4324 Frechette Robert Prim 5/31/2028
4474 Frechette Hunter Prim 5/31/2028
4824 Frederixon Derek Mathy Construction 5/31/2025
3187 Frenzel Dennis Killmer Electric 5/31/2028
4331 Fritz John Northwest Asphalt Inc. 5/31/2028
2268 Froelich Jon City of St. Paul 5/31/2029
2239 Gackstetter Allen W. Safety Signs 5/31/2029
4148 Gadbois Travis All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2027
4668 Gafkjen Dan Duininck Inc 5/31/2028
3259 Garrison Josh Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2029
5285 George Joseph Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
1836 Gertken Rick Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2027
1338 Gieseke Wayne R. Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2026
4314 Gieseke Kortney Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
4159 Gilbertson Todd Meyer Contracting 5/31/2027
3420 Gillard Matt P. Safety Signs 5/31/2029
1515 Gisler Michael E Warning Lites 5/31/2027
5258 Gladen Aaron Gladen Construction Inc. 5/31/2029
1516 Glesner Brian Northland Constructors of Duluth, LLC 5/31/2028
4921 Goelz Brandon Meyer Contracting 5/31/2025
2769 Gohman Scott R. Warning Lites 5/31/2027
3041 Gohman Joel Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2028
3007 Golyer Reid Killmer Electric 5/31/2028
3364 Gorman Robert Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
5078 Gottsleben Ryan City of Minneapolis 5/31/2028
4836 Goude Scott City of Minneapolis 5/31/2025
2871 Graf Charles MnDOT - Mendota Heights 5/31/2028
2421 Grandell Jeff Safety Signs 5/31/2025
2817 Grandell Jason Sir Lines-A-Lot 5/31/2027
3664 Greeley Cory Knife River Materials 5/31/2025
3936 Greengard Steve Carver County Public Works 5/31/2026
5271 Gross Gabriel Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
2659 Haavisto Rich MnDOT - Oakdale 5/31/2028
2766 Hagen Tyler John Superior Traffic 5/31/2027
5160 Hagen Nickolaus Ramsey County 5/31/2028
2541 Hall Dan OMG Midwest dba MN Paving & Materials 5/31/2026
2422 Hamers John Northwest Asphalt Inc 5/31/2026
3949 Hanneman Chad Safety Signs 5/31/2026
4805 Hanson Mitchell Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2025
5340 Harrington Jacob Short, Elliott, Hendrickson, Inc. 5/31/2029
4776 Harris Silas Meyer Contracting 5/31/2025
2251 Hart Richard A. Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2029
5233 Hart Tanner Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
2771 Hasert Jeff Anderson Brothers Constr Co 5/31/2028
3702 Hecksel Jamey Carver County Public Works 5/31/2025
5245 Heebl Kyle Carver County 5/31/2029
3720 Heidenreich Anthony Prim 5/31/2028
2513 Heins Timothy T. Dunn Blacktop Co. 5/31/2026
5085 Heins Colton Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
5268 Heinz Toby C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
3695 Heller Jordan McNamara Contracting 5/31/2025
1531 Hendrickson Scott Anderson Brothers Constr Co 5/31/2028
4905 Hensel Jim Ulland Brothers 5/31/2025
4721 Herbst Levi Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2025
4098 Hernandez Julio Safety Signs 5/31/2027
5240 Hernandez Gustavo Ulland Brothers, Inc. 5/31/2029
5113 Herzog Dan SRF Consulting Group Inc. 5/31/2028
5265 Higgins Terry Thunder Road, LLC 5/31/2029
3927 Hilden Jeff TKDA 5/31/2028
2220 Hill Craig M. All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2029
3748 Hills Jennifer S. MnDOT - Marshall 5/31/2026
2562 Hinze Rob S. Safety Signs 5/31/2026
3217 Hjelle Travis KGM Contractors 5/31/2028
2050 Hocking Trevor L. 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
5103 Hoffmann Jason C&L Excavating, Inc. 5/31/2028
4738 Hogan Dan Hennepin County 5/31/2025
3679 Hoiem Andrew Warning Lites 5/31/2025
4174 Holland Pat Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
5230 Holmberg Joe Bituminous Roadways Inc 5/31/2029
4046 Holmes Sami Safety Signs 5/31/2026
5289 Holmes Thomas MnDOT - Metro District 5/31/2029
4598 Holmlund Kelly 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
4571 Holmquist Luke Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2029
3732 Holmstrom Dustin Davidson Construction, Inc 5/31/2025
5329 Holthaus Jake Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
4345 Honebrink Sam Central Specialties 5/31/2028
4969 Hooper Anthony Hennepin County 5/31/2029
5270 Horak Anthony Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
2041 Hosch Steven A. City of St. Michael 5/31/2028
5101 Hotvedt Kyle Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2028
5248 Houn Jayden TI-Zack Concrete 5/31/2029
3912 House Tyler Knife River - N. Central 5/31/2026
3965 Hove Trevor Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2028
3913 Hruby Mike Knife River - N. Central 5/31/2026
5290 Huesman Charlie INSITUFORM 5/31/2029
2004 Huiras Andrew Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2028
1544 Huiras Greg Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2028
4505 Hyatt Tony ASTECH Corp. 5/31/2029
5075 Ibrahim Adam Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2028
1819 Ingemansen Todd Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2026
2079 Iverson Larry All States Pavement Recycling & Stabilization 5/31/2028
4587 Jacobsen Mike Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
3049 Jahnke Brad Ulland Brothers Inc 5/31/2028
5228 Jakes Jim Bituminous Roadways 5/31/2029
5336 Jares Matthew Anderson Brothers Construction 5/31/2029
5095 Jay Jacob Peterson Companies 5/31/2029
4601 Jendro Chris 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
3948 Jensen Brandon Safety Signs 5/31/2026
3989 Jeske Adam Century Fence Co. 5/31/2025
4240 Johanneck Luke MnDOT-Bemidji 5/31/2027
4308 Johnshoy Tanner Morris Sealcoat & Trucking Inc. 5/31/2028
4832 Johnson Austin Northland Constructors 5/31/2025
4501 Johnson Holly MnDOT - Virginia 5/31/2026
1835 Johnson Cash Charles Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2027
2499 Johnson Trevor Safety Signs 5/31/2027
4350 Johnson Paul Safety Signs 5/31/2028
5118 Johnson Paul Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
2928 Johnson Kevin City of Saint Paul 5/31/2029
4592 Johnson Craig New Look Contracting 5/31/2029
2260 Johnson Cory Knife River - Northern MN Division 5/31/2029
5242 Johnson Joseph Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
5291 Johnson Paul J Michels Road and Stone 5/31/2029
5266 Johnson Ryan C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
4638 Johnson-Roe Cory Safety Signs 5/31/2029
3887 Johnston Tom City of Saint Paul 5/31/2026
4206 Jones Jeffrey Egan Company 5/31/2027
5099 Jones Todd Peterson Companies 5/31/2028
5249 Jones Bryan C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
4742 Jose Jared Tomas Universal Traffic Control 5/31/2029
1563 Joyce Gregory S. Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
2229 Juenke Andrew L. Q3 Contracting 5/31/2025
1345 Julson Jamie A. Knife River - N. Central 5/31/2029
2071 Juricich Michael J. Sherburne County Public Works 5/31/2028
4012 Kachelmyer Roger Duluth  - MnDOT 5/31/2026
1565 Kadelbach Jared Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2028
3357 Kahnke Kyle Max Steininger, Inc. 5/31/2029
4838 Kane Bocar Amka Global 5/31/2025
2411 Kangas Kailey Davidson Construction, Inc 5/31/2025
4410 Kappedal Shawn Knife River Materials 5/31/2028
4719 Kasel Matt Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2025
4478 Kaski Steven Kaski, Inc 5/31/2028
1751 Kearney William Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2027
3689 Keller Joseph D. SRF Consulting Group Inc. 5/31/2025
2510 Kelley Chad Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2026
4726 Kelly Dave Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2025
5129 Kenning Tom C&L Excavating, Inc. 5/31/2028
3113 Keske Tom City of Minneapolis 5/31/2028
2867 Kieger Cole OMG Midwest dba MN Paving & Materials 5/31/2027
3911 Kimball Adam Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2026
1571 Kind Ron L. 3D Specialties 5/31/2029
3034 Kingsbury Rick Hennepin County 5/31/2028
1995 Kissner Manny E. Jr. All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2028
4189 Klaverkamp Kris All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2027
2827 Klingberg Josh Safety Signs 5/31/2027
5267 Klingler John C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
2809 Klisch Nicholas Cottonwood Cty Public Works 5/31/2027
5140 Klukken Kyle Morris Sealcoat & Trucking, Inc 5/31/2028
1576 Klunder Justin W. Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2029
5250 Kmit Samson Park Construction Company 5/31/2029
4479 Knopik Will Hoffman Construction Company 5/31/2029
5076 Knox Travis Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2028
4395 Koback-Lake Casey Fahrner Asphalt 5/31/2028
1990 Koch Timothy All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2028
2428 Koopmeiners Robert " Robbie" S. Rachel Contracting 5/31/2025
2859 Kough Brant Daniel Hennepin County 5/31/2027
2453 Kraemer Andrew Hennepin Co. Transportation/Road & Bridge Ops. 5/31/2028
3141 Krause Jesse L. Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2028
1580 Krech Timothy Safety Signs 5/31/2026
5231 Kruizenga Brent Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
3502 Kruse Scott OMG Midwest dba MN Paving and Materials 5/31/2029
3189 Kruse, Jr. Dan L. Ulland Brothers Inc 5/31/2028
1584 Krzmarzick Brian Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2028
4964 Kuhl Grant C.S. McCrossan 5/31/2029
4511 Kunerth Kody ASTECH Corp. 5/31/2029
5264 Kurth Curtis Thunder Road LLC 5/31/2029
4720 La Plante Jayme Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2025
4414 LaCroix Dan Knife River Materials 5/31/2028
5093 LaDouceur Casey Anderson Brothers Constr Co 5/31/2028
3367 LaForce David J. Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
4729 Lance Anthony ISG 5/31/2025
5106 Landgren Bradley MnDOT 5/31/2028
3101 Landsteiner Matthew L. SM Hentges&Sons Inc. 5/31/2029
4582 Lange Kevin Ulland Brothers 5/31/2029
4372 Larsen Dan Peterson Companies 5/31/2028
4155 Larsin Jim S M Hentges & Sons, Inc. 5/31/2027
4734 Larson Gary Hennepin County 5/31/2025
4586 Larson Justin Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
2219 Larson Jeffrey All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2029
5377 Larson Tony Ti-Zack 5/31/2029
2219 Larson Jeffrey All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2029
4177 Larson III James Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2027
4053 Lauderbaugh Trent William MnDOT-Bemidji 5/31/2028
5243 Laurich Randy Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
4581 LeCocq Jake Ulland Brothers 5/31/2029
2537 Leeseberg Troy Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2026
4204 Leeseberg Tom Central Specialties 5/31/2027
1593 Leidle Reed  J. Safety Signs 5/31/2025
1594 Lein Pete R. Safety Signs 5/31/2025
1344 Lemer Trent T. Knife River Corp. - North Central 5/31/2028
4336 Lenhart Hunter Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2028
4561 Levine Patrick ISG 5/31/2025
3859 Lilienthal Dennis Carver County Public Works 5/31/2029
3769 Lindahl Trent   5/31/2025
4827 Lindberg Nate Minnesota Paving & Material 5/31/2025
2874 Lindemann Michael Sibley County Public Works 5/31/2027
2272 Lindemann Stephan C. NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2029
2073 Lindenau Mike W. Sherburne County Public Works 5/31/2028
2356 Lindgren Tracy City of Minneapolis 5/31/2027
3883 Lindula Jason Egan Company 5/31/2026
3925 Linn Matt All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2027
3476 LoBello Dan OMG Midwest dba MN Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
5139 Loidolt Trevor Meyer Contracting, Inc. 5/31/2029
3790 Londgren Peter Mathiowetz Construction Co 5/31/2025
3891 Luce Roland Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2026
3830 Lunde Matt JMF Construction 5/31/2025
4737 Lundgren Mike Hennepin County 5/31/2025
5112 Luthens Brent R&R Excavating, Inc. 5/31/2028
2539 MacRunnels Steve Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2026
3224 Madrigal Antonio City of St. Paul Sewer Department 5/31/2025
4771 Mahon Maurice Meyer Contracting 5/31/2025
1865 Maki Todd KGM Contractors, Inc. 5/31/2027
1983 Manee Scott L. Duininck Brothers Inc 5/31/2028
2057 Mark Seth D. 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
4470 Marquardt Joshua Safety Signs 5/31/2028
4476 Marquis Averre APC Inc. 5/31/2028
5082 Marquis Garett APC Inc. 5/31/2028
2842 Martens Thomas J. Peterson Conpanies 5/31/2027
5333 Maruska Dennis Knife River Materials 5/31/2029
3358 Mathiowetz Chad D. Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2029
2357 Matsumoto Larry City of Minneapolis 5/31/2026
5338 McAllister Richard Anderson Brothers Construction 5/31/2029
2306 McCann Mike City of St. Paul Sewer 5/31/2025
5295 McClain Shain J Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
3162 McCole Michael B. Safety Signs 5/31/2028
2813 McCullough Clint MnDOT - Metro 5/31/2027
5091 McFarlin Tanner Anderson Brothers Constr Co 5/31/2028
4834 McGregor James Northland Constructors 5/31/2025
2271 McIntyre Shannon MnDOT - D1 5/31/2025
4507 McIntyre Konner ASTECH Corp. 5/31/2029
4312 McKaig Ray Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
2861 McLarty Mark Hennepin County 5/31/2027
2414 Melin Troy Warning Lites 5/31/2025
4725 Merchlewitz Charlie Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2025
4091 Merchlewitz Cory Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2027
5232 Merchlewitz Jason Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
3269 Meseroll Robby R. Ulland Brothers Inc 5/31/2029
1615 Metty Matt Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
4151 Meuffels Mark Carver County Public Works 5/31/2027
1817 Meyer Chris Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2027
4313 Meyer Joseph Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
4469 Meyer Paul Egan Company 5/31/2028
5127 Meyer Justin ACI Asphalt 5/31/2028
4313 Meyer Joseph Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
5088 Miller Owen Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
2248 Miller Michael J. Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2029
3134 Miller Ned Hennepin County 5/31/2029
2949 Minnerath Grant Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2027
3093 Minnerath Ryan Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2028
5322 Minnerath Samuel Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
2509 Minnich Chad  W. Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2026
5183 Minnich Alexa Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
5223 Minnich Trevor Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
4736 Mock Jon Hennepin County 5/31/2025
3800 Moen Cody Davidson Construction, Inc 5/31/2025
4722 Molina-Duran Jose Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2025
4795 Mortenson Dean Allen NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2025
4796 Moser Kohl NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2025
5100 Mossberg Marcella Peterson Companies 5/31/2028
4144 Mueller Tyler All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2027
5244 Mueller Daniel Carver County 5/31/2029
3275 Naas Thomas F. Interstate Traffic Signs 5/31/2029
2299 Nagel Mark C.S. McCrossan 5/31/2029
3713 Nagle Tyler Warning Lites 5/31/2025
2551 Neff John Warning Lites 5/31/2026
3114 Neja Bill Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2028
2832 Nelson Mike Bituminous Roadways, Inc 5/31/2028
4534 Nelson Chad RJ Zavoral & Sons Inc. 5/31/2029
3304 Nelson Paul A. Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
5238 Nelson Steven Ulland Brothers, Inc. 5/31/2029
5293 Nelson Terrance City of Minneapolis 5/31/2029
3924 Nestande Jim Duininck Inc. 5/31/2026
5253 Neva Patrick Bituminous Roadways, Inc 5/31/2029
5259 Newton Jim Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
4355 Neyens Chad Duininck, Inc. 5/31/2028
4820 Niemi Levi Interstate Traffic Signs 5/31/2025
3203 Noeldner Kenneth Wm Mueller & Sons Inc 5/31/2028
5287 Noonan Nate Insituform 5/31/2029
4578 Novak Terry Ulland Brothers 5/31/2029
3768 O'Brien Mike OMG Midwest dba MN Paving & Materials 5/31/2025
5126 O'Brien Mike Michels Road & Stone, Inc. 5/31/2028
3801 Odberg Jason Davidson Construction, Inc 5/31/2025
5255 Odom Vernon Universal Traffic Control 5/31/2029
2243 O'Keefe Shawn City of St. Paul 5/31/2029
1633 Olson Keith Mathiowetz Construction Co. 5/31/2027
5305 Olson Jason J MnDOT - D7 5/31/2029
4569 Ommodt Cayden Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2029
2221 Opatz Dustin J. All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2029
5337 Orth Richard Anderson Brothers Construction 5/31/2029
3129 Osborn Keegan D. Interstate Traffic Signs 5/31/2025
4773 Osborn Alex MnDOT - Bemidji 5/31/2028
5239 Ospahl Clayton Ulland Brothers, Inc. 5/31/2029
3802 Ostergaard Dave Safety Signs 5/31/2025
2005 Otremba Matthew J. Tri - City Paving, Inc. 5/31/2028
4186 Otte Christopher All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2027
4387 Otto Gary Safety Signs 5/31/2028
5115 Oudemans Sierk City of Saint Paul 5/31/2028
3791 Pagel Scott Mathiowetz Construction Co 5/31/2025
5257 Paine Luke Gladen Construction Inc. 5/31/2029
4730 Palmersheim Paul Night Train Trucking 5/31/2025
5119 Paradis Chad Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
4391 Pardun Jeremy Fahrner Asphalt 5/31/2028
3393 Parkos Tim Washington County Public Works 5/31/2026
1637 Parks Willard Knife River - Northern MN Division 5/31/2029
5311 Pass Adam Duininck, Inc 5/31/2029
3868 Patterson Ron Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2026
4375 Paulson Jake Knife River Materials 5/31/2028
4793 Pavlovic Dragan NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2025
3363 Pearson David PSC 5/31/2026
4009 Peitz Michael Meyer Contracting 5/31/2026
4185 Peplinski Nicholas Warning Lites 5/31/2027
3952 Peterson Alex MnDOT-Bemidji 5/31/2026
2851 Peterson Jonathan M. Peterson Conpanies 5/31/2027
5120 Peterson Bud Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
4373 Peterson Matt Peterson Companies 5/31/2028
5138 Peterson Scott Meyer Contracting, Inc. 5/31/2029
3867 Piatz Kori L. Morris Sealcoat & Trucking Inc. 5/31/2026
3870 Piche Daniel Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2026
3926 Pick Ronald All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2026
4145 Pick Brian All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2027
3040 Pick Steve J. All State Traffic Control, Inc 5/31/2028
1917 Pietig Matt Rochester Sand & Gravel, Inc 5/31/2028
4088 Pike Dwayne Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2027
1646 Pirkl William MnDOT - D2 5/31/2029
2434 Pitschka Paul Warning Lites 5/31/2025
3852 Pitschka Paul 'PJ' Warning Lites 5/31/2025
4332 Plamann David Northwest Asphalt Inc. 5/31/2028
3673 Plieseis Paul Park Construction Company 5/31/2025
4363 Pommier Jason City of Saint Paul 5/31/2028
1647 Popp Pat Northwest Asphalt, Inc. 5/31/2028
4475 Potrament Eric Meyer Contracting 5/31/2029
2839 Potvin Ryan T. Peterson Conpanies 5/31/2027
4093 Prehall Isaac Minneapolis 5/31/2027
4084 Pride John Pride Cleanup LLC 5/31/2025
4083 Pride Jr. John Pride Cleanup & Lookout Flagging LLC 5/31/2025
5114 Prokopiuk Rob City of Saint Paul 5/31/2028
3652 Prozinski William ASTECH Corp. 5/31/2025
5284 Pues Michael Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
5330 Putnam Nick C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
5296 Quaal Samuel J Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
4600 Qualley Dakota 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
4374 Randall Justin Peterson Companies 5/31/2028
5234 Ransdell Matt Hennepin County 5/31/2029
3274 Ranta J J Ulland Brothers Inc 5/31/2029
3874 Ravetto Nick Egan Company 5/31/2026
2673 Reger Devin City of Fergus Falls 5/31/2028
4550 Regner Mathias Safety Signs 5/31/2029
2542 Reichert Jeff Miller Excavating 5/31/2026
4757 Reid Blake Q3 Contracting 5/31/2025
4589 Reid Austin Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
3743 Reierson Travis Reierson Construction, Inc. 5/31/2025
3744 Reierson Randy Reierson Construction, Inc. 5/31/2025
4974 Reimer Dan Hennepin County 5/31/2029
1861 Reimers Ben Anderson Brothers Const Co 5/31/2027
5263 Rennhack Dakota Thunder Road LLC 5/31/2029
5320 Rettke Ryley Knife River Materials 5/31/2029
2642 Reuss Jeff MnDOT-Morris 5/31/2027
2532 Revering Tony Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2026
5321 Richardson Richard Northwest Asphalt & Maintenance 5/31/2029
1657 Riederer Douglas J. Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2025
4822 Rivard John MnDOT - Metro/Oakdale 5/31/2025
4329 Roberts Don Washington County Public Works 5/31/2028
2450 Rodriguez Lisa Traffic Control Tech's LLC 5/31/2029
5292 Roeber Daniel Stantec 5/31/2029
4904 Rogalla Mike Ulland Brothers 5/31/2025
5125 Roggenbuck Conner Michels Road & Stone, Inc. 5/31/2028
1767 Rognerud-Adams Michelle MnDOT-Bemidji 5/31/2027
4292 Rohr Dan City of Saint Paul 5/31/2029
5133 Rohrer Nathan Fahrner Asphalt Sealers 5/31/2028
3419 Roiger Nick D. Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
1855 Ronken Joe L. Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
3861 Rosckes Josh City Of Eden Prairie 5/31/2027
3686 Rourke Randy North Star Safety Inc. 5/31/2025
3707 Rubio Pacheo Jose Safety Signs 5/31/2025
1323 Ruether Michael G. Duininck Brothers Inc 5/31/2026
4751 Ruhl Kane Warning Lites 5/31/2025
3944 Ruiz Mateo David Safety Signs 5/31/2026
4326 Rumsch Robert Hennepin County 5/31/2028
4733 Rupar Paul Hennepin County 5/31/2029
5294 Rush Tom Focus Forensics 5/31/2029
5343 Sagstuen Nathan Knife River Materials 5/31/2029
2772 Savage Shawn J Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2027
5090 Sawyer Gavin Egan Company 5/31/2028
3396 Sayer Scott P. Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2029
3915 Schad Matt Knife River - N. Central 5/31/2026
4804 Scharfencamp Tyler Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2025
4831 Schempf Nolan Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2025
3020 Schendel Adam MnDOT - Mankato 5/31/2028
4817 Scherer Honigs Amy St. Paul Public Works 5/31/2025
2207 Schlangen John Lake County Highway Department 5/31/2029
5081 Schmid Andrea Anoka County 5/31/2028
5235 Schmid Jeff Hennepin County 5/31/2029
3864 Schmidt Chad Carver County Public Works 5/31/2027
5269 Schmidt Jamie Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 5/31/2029
4168 Schmit Brian Meyer Contracting 5/31/2025
5132 Schmitz Nick Ulland Brothers 5/31/2028
1671 Schoenecker Blaine Duininck Inc 5/31/2028
3731 Schroeder Dave Robert R. Schroeder Construction, Inc. 5/31/2025
5324 Schroeder Andrew Carver County Public Works 5/31/2029
2675 Schuh Cory L. MnDOT - Metro 5/31/2028
4201 Schuller Bob Central Specialties 5/31/2027
2875 Schulte William D. Sibley County Public Works 5/31/2027
2511 Schumacher Brian C. Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2026
4105 Schumacher Nick Safety Signs 5/31/2027
4089 Schumacher Karl Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2027
5123 Schumacher Jake Hennepin County 5/31/2028
4540 Schumann Jeremy Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2029
5136 Sebesta Daniel Meyer Contracting, Inc. 5/31/2028
3362 Setzler Bruce Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
5010 Shake Jared Meyer Contracting 5/31/2028
1679 Shoen Randy Mathiowetz Construction 5/31/2025
2614 Shreiner Andrew Safety Signs 5/31/2027
3654 Siegel Jon Astech 5/31/2025
4798 Siemers Zach Warning Lites 5/31/2025
4354 Sietsema Jeremy Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
5161 Silbaugh Randal Ramsey County 5/31/2028
4825 Siltman Scott Interstate Traffic Signs 5/31/2025
3131 Simning Rick Hennepin County 5/31/2029
5111 Simonsen John Killmer Electric 5/31/2028
1683 Sirek Jacob Safety Signs 5/31/2025
3133 Skarset Robert Hennepin County 5/31/2029
3483 Slattery Leon C.S. McCrossan Construction, Inc. 5/31/2029
5301 Slepica Daniel Peterson Companies 5/31/2029
2070 Smith Christopher City of Minnetonka 5/31/2028
5142 Smith Paul MnDOT - Baxter 5/31/2028
5316 Smith Devon Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
4794 Sola Allen NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2025
4775 Soland AJ City of Minnetonka 5/31/2025
5102 Somnis Jeremy Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2028
4849 Sonnee Josh S M Hentges & Sons, Inc. 5/31/2025
3697 Speight Jason McNamara Contracting 5/31/2025
5084 Spencer James Allan Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
1691 Splittstoser Eric Shafer Contracting Co., Inc. 5/31/2027
3050 Srock Curtis Ulland Brothers Inc 5/31/2028
4727 St. Claire Stephen Miller Excavating Inc. 5/31/2025
2939 St. John Gary Sibley County Public Works 5/31/2029
3076 Steckelberg Nathan Interstate Improvement Inc. 5/31/2028
4353 Steffensen Jamie Duininck Inc 5/31/2028
4515 Steffes Travis ASTECH Corp. 5/31/2029
1831 Steidl Mike L. Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2027
3806 Stewart Ian Knife River Materials 5/31/2025
4157 Stodola Ross Max Steininger, Inc. 5/31/2028
3501 Stoffel Luke Dirt Merchant, Inc. 5/31/2029
3973 Stokes Johnny PSC 5/31/2026
4357 Storey Chris Northwest Asphalt Inc. 5/31/2028
3380 Stroeing Kevin M. Knife River Materials 5/31/2029
2056 Stumbo Thom S. 3D Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
5246 Stumpf John C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
5089 Stuve Chaz Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2028
5104 Suchy Curt C&L Excavating, Inc. 5/31/2028
5110 Sundermeyer Adam Urban Companies 5/31/2028
4835 Sundquist Elizabeth City of Minneapolis 5/31/2025
3301 Sura Dave A. Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2029
4560 Sustercich David Anderson Brothers 5/31/2029
3100 Swartzer Thomas S.M.Hentges & Sons 5/31/2025
4756 Sweeney Tyler Q3 Contracting 5/31/2025
2534 Sweep Alex Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2026
4130 Sworski Cy Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2028
2491 Symanietz Greg SRF Consulting Group Inc. 5/31/2028
3694 Tabaka Jordan Interstate Traffic Signs 5/31/2025
3678 Taylor Justin Warning Lites 5/31/2025
5074 Templin Dylan Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
2405 Temte Wayne Safety Signs 5/31/2025
4327 Tetzlaff Randy Washington County Public Works 5/31/2028
5164 Tetzloff Ryan Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2028
4205 Thielen Ryan Central Specialties 5/31/2027
5335 Thomas Josh Knife River Materials 5/31/2029
4061 Thompson Elissa Landbridge Ecological 5/31/2026
4310 Thompson Terrell Tom's Backhoe Service Inc 5/31/2028
4092 Tjepkes Ryan Rochester Sand & Gravel 5/31/2027
4787 Tomassoni Brian MnDOT - Mendota 5/31/2028
3659 Torborg Mitch Knife River Materials 5/31/2025
4656 Torres Jerry Hennepin County 5/31/2029
5121 Travis Jared Duininck Inc. 5/31/2028
5261 Traxler Dylan C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
2366 Trembath Chris City of Minneapolis 5/31/2026
2774 Truax Keith Rochester Sand & Gravel Inc 5/31/2027
3365 Truckenbrod Joel D. Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
5252 Tulip Luke Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
3903 Turner Colton NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2029
4606 Umar Iskandar City of Minneapolis 5/31/2029
5286 Ungs Michael Q3 Contracting 5/31/2029
5241 Vaala Daniel Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
5351 Van Guilder Josh Urban Companies 5/31/2029
4045 Vandell Josh Central Specialties Inc 5/31/2026
4242 VanDenEykel Martin E. MnDOT - Metro GV 5/31/2027
5318 Vanderweyst Nathan Mark Sand & Gravel Co. 5/31/2029
3685 Vang Xon North Star Safety Inc. 5/31/2029
3425 Vasquez Ricardo Safety Signs 5/31/2025
3901 Vaughan Terri Anoka County 5/31/2026
3421 Vazquez Ortiz David Safety Signs 5/31/2025
2312 Venem Chris Ulland Brothers Inc 5/31/2029
3665 Verke Dan Knife River Materials 5/31/2025
3692 Villeneuve Josh Hennepin County 5/31/2025
4710 Vivant Alex McNamara Contracting 5/31/2029
4750 Vossen Riley Warning Lites 5/31/2025
2811 Vreeland Lee B. Shafer Contracting Co., Inc. 5/31/2027
4328 Wagner Steve Washington County Public Works 5/31/2028
4566 Wagner Mark Hennepin County 5/31/2029
3181 Wald Ron F. Opp Construction 5/31/2028
2777 Wallace Kyle B. City of Minneapolis 5/31/2029
4385 Walsh Billy Safety Signs 5/31/2028
5308 Walsh Rebecca Central Specialties, Inc. 5/31/2029
2768 Walz Micheal D Warning Lites 5/31/2027
2549 Ward Justin NorthStar Safety, Inc. 5/31/2026
1717 Wargo Anthony Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2026
5260 Watson Holt C.S. Mccrossan 5/31/2029
4907 Wattenhofer Jade Ulland Brothers 5/31/2025
3523 Watts Mitchell OMG Midwest dba MN Paving and Materials 5/31/2029
4399 Weaver Alan KGM Contractors, Inc. 5/31/2028
4377 Webb Dylan Knife River Materials 5/31/2028
4740 Weber Kurtis Hennepin County 5/31/2025
5307 Weber Chris MnDOT - D7 5/31/2029
5325 Weber Steve Minnesota Paving & Materials 5/31/2029
4304 Wegner Kurt Scott Construction 5/31/2027
1721 Weickert Joshua J. Knife River Materials, Inc. 5/31/2025
3345 Weldon Brent Hennepin County Transportation 5/31/2025
4755 Welle Lucas Q3 Contracting 5/31/2025
3459 Wesley Raymond S. MnDOT - D2 5/31/2028
4802 Westerlund Dale Davidson Construction, Inc 5/31/2028
5105 White Matthew MnDOT - Mankato 5/31/2028
3674 Wickenhauser John Carver County Public Works 5/31/2025
3394 Wigfield Andy Carver County Public Works 5/31/2029
5332 Wilson Dan Knife River Materials 5/31/2029
2826 Wimmer Joe Safety Signs 5/31/2027
4829 Wisness Casey MN Paving & Materials 5/31/2028
4833 Wojtysiak Brad Northland Constructors 5/31/2025
5079 Wolf Hazel City of Minneapolis 5/31/2028
4530 Wolff Bailey MnDOT - Mankato 5/31/2029
5376 Wolff Shannon Wright County 5/31/2029
2263 Yang Long City of St. Paul Public Works 5/31/2029
5109 Yotter Thomas Urban Companies 5/31/2028
5342 Young Jerry Young Excavating, Inc 5/31/2029
5310 Zamarron Jaime Duininck Brothers Inc 5/31/2029
4895 Zavoral Mike R.J. Zavoral & Sons, Inc. 5/31/2025
2282 Zeien Bruce J Warning Lites of MN 5/31/2029
4516 Zelko Kelly ASTECH Corp. 5/31/2029
4527 Zieglmeier Kyle Duininck Inc. 5/31/2029
4297 Ziemer Jennifer City of Saint Paul 5/31/2025