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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 2 Floodwood resurfacing

St. Louis, Aitkin counties

Project complete

About this project

A rendering of the Hwy 2 repaving project west of Floodwood.

West portion of the project. Click image for full size

A rendering of the Hwy 2 repaving project east of Floodwood.

East portion of the project. Click image for full size

Summary of work

The mill and overlay of Hwy 2 will be broken into two sections.

  • West portion: Repaving Hwy 2 from Hwy 200 intersection to the Ash Street intersection for a total of 8.8 miles.
  • East portion: Repaving Hwy 2 .25 miles east of Hwy 73 intersection to CR 845 (Maki Road) intersection for a total of 11.04 miles.

FAQ section

  • Q: At the open house in October, we talked about a Phase 1 detour that I do not see on the website anymore, what happened?
    A: Instead of a full depth bituminous reclamation, the scope for Phase 1 and 2 of this project has changed to a mill and overlay, meaning construction can take place under traffic. A mill and overlay project will still fix the pavement problems you see today and will extend the life of the pavement by 10 years.
  • Q: I am concerned about losing business during construction, can MnDOT reimburse me for lost revenue?
    A: MnDOT understands the inconvenience caused by construction and will ensure there is access to your business throughout the duration of the roadway project. MnDOT cannot provide any reimbursement for changes in revenue during construction.
  • Q: In 2012, we experienced severe flooding in the area that caused a closure of Hwy 2, will this project include improvements to ensure this will not happen again?
    A: This area experienced a historic flooding event (classified as a “500 year” event) that is beyond what MnDOT can plan for. The scope of the project no longer includes culvert replacement, but on a future project hydraulic analysis will be completed to ensure that culverts are the appropriate size and can manage rainwater levels during potential future high-rainfall years.