Hwy 53 – Eveleth Rock Ridge Transportation Improvements
St. Louis County
Traffic impacts
Project work will begin on April 1. Initial work will be installing temporary traffic signals along the corridor. Hwy 37 bridge work will begin after signals are in place. Hwy 53 through traffic will be routed up and down Hwy 37 ramps when bridges are closed.
Summary of work
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Remove and replace bridges at the interchange of Hwy 53 and Hwy 37
Safety improvements at intersections on Highway 53
Bourgin Road - geometric improvements
Progress Parkway - roundabout
Hat Trick Avenue - geometric improvements
Pavement resurfacing from Hwy 37 to Vermillion Drive
Improvements to sidewalks, trails, and intersection lighting
St. Louis County will also be completing work in this area. Visit the county's website for more information on their work.
Public meetings
MnDOT and St. Louis County will be hosting a public meeting with construction information on Tuesday, April 1 at the Rock Ridge High School Athletic Commons (1403 Progress Pkwy, Virginia, MN 55792) at 5:30 p.m. Information presented at the meeting will be posted here afterward.