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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 73 Chisholm Corridor Study

St. Louis County

About this project

A rendering of the Hwy 73 corridor study area in Chisholm.

Click image for full-size image

Summary of work

In order to meet requirements for federal funding, and to better understand the current and future needs of Hwy 73 from Hwy 169 to the intersection of West Lake Street and 3rd Avenue, MnDOT is conducting a corridor study. This will take a deeper look into how the roadway functions today in order to plan for its future.

The Hwy 73 corridor from Hwy 169 to the intersection of West Lake Street and 3rd Avenue will be studied to understand existing and future transportation needs and inform future projects. Results of the study will help MnDOT and local agencies plan improvement projects to address existing issues and plan for the future of the corridor.

Community survey

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the community survey. It is now closed. Your input, along with other analysis, will help shape the future of the Hwy 73 corridor. Check out the survey results.

Public meetings

MnDOT hosted a public meeting on Nov. 12 to gather information on how the Hwy 73 corridor functions for area residents. Check back for future public meetings.