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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Virginia HQ reconstruction

St. Louis County

About this project

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MnDOT District 1 Virginia headquarters is the next HQ replacement project in the MnDOT statewide plan. This project will replace the truck station constructed in 1959, and added onto in 1993. All of the outbuildings will be replaced as part of this project.

After many years of use, the facility is experiencing noticeable growing pains. Staff has worked to adapt the building over the years, but current needs are beyond physical limitations of the building envelope. Each department has a need for additional square footage, and some areas, like warm storage and repair shop, need additional space, interior ceiling clearance and updated building infrastructure. In addition, many of the building's primary systems (mechanical, electrical, etc.) require upgrading for code compliance and energy efficiency.

Project history

  • In November 2018, MnDOT completed a masterplan for a headquarters replacement at the existing site in Virginia. The plan determined total site would require 20.8 acres, and the existing site is approximately 15.5 buildable acres.
  • After an extensive search for an alternative building site, MnDOT has decided a new headquarters will be reconstructed at the existing location.
  • It was difficult to find suitable property for headquarters building considering neighborhoods, zoning, site work, wetlands, access to city water and sewer, proximity to plow routes, contamination and willing sellers.
  • MnDOT received legislative funding of approximately $2.32 million for design costs during the 2020 session, along with $83.85 million in bonding in 2023 for construction costs.
  • Construction cost estimate reflects difficulties in reconstruction on the same site while maintaining continuity of operations.
  • MnDOT is working with the Department of Administration on the State Designer Selection Board process for project development.
  • LHB is under contract for site and building design, and MnDOT has hired an owner’s representative and is in the process of selecting a construction manager at risk (CMR).