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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Northwest Minnesota Regional Information

MnDOT District 2



Bemidji Crookston

3920 Highway 2 West 
Bemidji, MN 56601


Phone: 218-755-6500 
Fax: 218-755-6512

Rest Areas

1320 Sunflower Street 
Crookston, MN 56716


Phone: 218-277-7950
Fax: 218-277-7954

Rest Areas

Key contacts

District Engineer

Transportation District Engineer J.T. Anderson 218-755-6549

Assistant District Engineer

Maintenance Operations Paul Konickson
Program Development Darren Laesch 218-755-6553
Program Delivery Bill Pirkl 218-766-3252
State Aid Brian Ketring 218-766-5930


Administrative Manager Brad Scott 218-755-6550
Planning Director Jon Mason 218-407-1917
Permits (OS/OW info) Terry Condon 218-755-6578
Communications: Public Engagement TJ Melcher 218-766-6324
Communications: Public Affairs Leslie Seitz 218-407-2175
Transit Director Kent Ehrenstrom 218-755-6555
Traffic Engineer Michelle Rognerud 218-308-5800
Toward Zero Deaths Coordinator Susan Johnson 218-766-5943
Accounts Payable (Bemidji) Accounts Payable 218-755-6500
Accounts Payable (Crookston) Accounts Payable 218-277-7951
Map of MnDOT District 2, covering Northwest Minnesota.