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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highways 11 & 313


About the project

Highway 11 project map
Project map Highway 11 improvements in Warroad

MnDOT, in collaboration with Roseau County and the City of Warroad, plans to reconstruct Highway 11 between County Road 5 and Highway 313/Cedar Avenue NW and Cedar Avenue NW between Highway 11 and Lake Street.

Construction is scheduled to take place in 2024-2026.

These roadways are in need of long-term improvements to address aging infrastructure, safety, and access issues. This project will resurface deteriorating pavement, replace storm sewer, and incorporate landscaping along the project area.

2024: Resurface Hwy 11 south of the bridge and Cedar Ave. Begin Hwy 11/313 roundabout.

2025: Construct Highway 11/313 roundabout. Continue resurfacing Hwy 11 from Highway 313 to south of Elk St. Begin half of the bridge construction.

2026: Continue other half of the bridge construction.

The bridge will be constructed in 2025 and 2026. The bridge will remain open during the winter months.

How about a roundabout?

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