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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 71- Safety Improvements


Project update

Construction is complete

Construction for this project is complete. For information on the project throughout the construction process, please see the updates below.

Photo of Highway 71 roundabout at Anne Street

Construction on this project wrapped up on October 7.

Weekly update


Crews continue work along the medians on the Highway 71. Both northbound and southbound lanes are open with inside lanes closed for median work.  Inside lanes and medians are planned to reopen in the next few days. There may be intermittent closures at the medians for final finish work in the next week. Crews are expected to begin equipment and construction sign removal in the next week.

What's happening now?

  • Median/intersection reconstruction along the corridor
  • Pavement markings and rumble strips
  • Remove temporary pavement
  • Complete drainage pond near Anne Street
  • Landscaping throughout the corridor

What's happening next?

  • Turf establishment
  • Light pole installation
  • Equipment removal
  • Construction sign removal

Traffic impacts

  • Hwy 71:
    • Medians are currently closed, utilize Irvine Avenue ramps or Anne Street roundabout (depending on location) for cross traffic on Highway 71
    • Medians planned to be open in the next few days
    • Once paving and sign installation are complete at the medians, there will be intermittent closures through mid-October
    • Slow down and expect delays
  • Anne St:
    • All four legs of the roundabout are now open
  • Hwy 71/197:
    • Lane closure at Hwy 71 northbound off of Hwy 2, expect delays

Previous project updates and construction staging details can be found on the construction page

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About this project

Hwy 71 in Bemidji
The Highway 71 project includes intersection improvements at nine locations.

Construction began May 16 and will last into October.

This is a complex construction project that requires a lot of different staging changes. Refer to the Construction page for an overview of the staging plans.

You can also check out this interactive construction staging map.

*These plans are presented as an overview and actual construction activities may have to be adjusted as needed.

Summary of work

MnDOT plans to resurface a portion of Highway 71 and make intersection improvements at eight locations between Highway 197 and Winter Sumac Road. The highway is in need of long-term improvements to address intersection safety and aging infrastructure. Learn more about these improvements on the resources page.