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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 197 Corridor Study


Orange barrels on a highway

Public involvement

MnDOT has taken a very collaborative approach in developing the plans for this project. Even though it won't take place for 5-8 years it's important to take a holistic approach in identifying issues and designing a viable fix that considers all users. There are many opportunities to take part in this planning study.

Public meetings

MnDOT will continue to conduct open houses in order to meet with constituents and provide updates throughout the visioning process.

Business interviews

MnDOT contacted 62 businesses along the corridor in order to take part in Business Interviews. 36 responded and provided information.

Online survey

In addition to business interviews, MnDOT conducted two online survey's.

Community Review Panel

The committee's purpose is to provide corridor improvement recommendations to the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Bemidji. Over the course of the year, the committee will:

  • Establish priorities and develop a community vision for the corridor
  • Identify and study issues along the corridor
  • Learn traffic safety and engineering concepts
  • Develop, evaluate and recommend feasible alternatives

The City of Bemidji selected committee members who represent diverse perspectives, including business owners, motorists; residents, bicycle and pedestrians, disabled users, transit, economic development, emergency response, planning, safety, engineering and local governments.

Visit the homepage page to learn more about the Community Review Panel.