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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 10


Project details

Hwy 10 - Dilworth aerial view

The Minnesota Department of Transportation will be reconstructing Highway 10 in Dilworth, from 34th Street to 14th Street, in 2031 and 2032. The road conditions in this area are expected to continue to deteriorate, increasing the resource needs from maintenance. In addition, the majority of sidewalk and pedestrian ramps in Dilworth are noncompliant and will be replaced as part of this project.

The Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG), Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Dilworth completed a corridor study in 2023 to evaluate the current and future needs along the corridor. The study provides recommendations for possible lane reconfigurations and types of intersection control.

Key project elements

  • Reconstruction of Highway 10 from 34th Street to SE 14th Street
  • Traffic signal replacement at 34th Street
  • Potential roundabouts at Main, 7th Street and 14th Street
  • Utility replacements and adjustments

Project impacts

  • Detours and lane closures
  • Business impacts during construction, including pedestrian access and parking restrictions

Corridor study

Visit the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments' (Metro COG) project website to learn more about the corridor study that was done by Metro COG, in partnership with MnDOT, the City of Dilworth and several other local agencies.

View the final report

About the study

In line with the city’s vision from Dilworth 2045, the city's comprehensive plan, the study evaluated the urbanization of Highway 10 with an emphasis on multi-modal facilities. As a corridor through the traditional downtown core of Dilworth, Highway 10 supports many needs for the community of Dilworth and the surrounding area. This study considered options for downtown Dilworth by developing a detailed understanding of land use and redevelopment concepts that will positively impact the larger community and Highway 10, as well as standards and expectations through downtown that create options for a more robust pedestrian zone to support existing and future businesses.