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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwys 28, 29, 104 in Glenwood

2018 Construction

Orange barrels on a highway

Phases and Timelines

The Glenwood Complete Streets project will be completed in five stages, beginning April 23 though October 2018.

Phase 1

Phase 1 consists of approximately 30 days of work to improve ditching from the Pope County fairgrounds to Perkins Creek and Lake Minnewaska. Crews will rebuild the roadway from just west of Brownies Tire Service to 5th Street NW. The road will be raised almost a foot and another culvert will be installed under the highway.  Streets and sidewalk will be replaced at the intersection of Franklin Street and First Avenue South. This work in phase one should last about two weeks. 

Phase 1 Detour

During Phase 1 traffic using Highway 28 will be detoured from Golf Course Road along Lakeshore Avenue to Minnesota Avenue.

Phase 2

Phase 2 work involves rebuilding Minnesota Avenue from approximately 5th Street NW to the intersection of Franklin Street.

Work on this phase could begin as early as late April, weather permitting.   

Note new traffic flow

Currently eastbound traffic stops at the intersection of Highways 28/29, while westbound traffic is not required to stop. The new intersection will require traffic on West Minnesota will be required to stop.    

Phase 3

Phase 3 consists of reconstructing the intersection of Minnesota and Franklin streets.

During this time, the city will be replacing water, sewer and storm sewers at the intersection of Franklin and Minnesota streets. In addition, concrete will be poured for new signal lights at the intersection.

The goal is to have all three phases completed by the end of July, prior to Waterama.

Note new traffic flow

Traffic on Highways 28/29 will now have three lanes instead of the current four lanes of traffic.  The center lane will be used as a turn lane.

Phase 4

Phase 4 is scheduled to begin in early July, after Waterama. Crews will be moving east on Minnesota Avenue from Franklin Street to 4th Street.

Sidewalks will be upgraded and widened to include a bike lane.  An “amenity zone” will be built to accommodate landscaping and seating.
The city will be replacing water, sewer and storm sewers.  

This work will take approximately six week to complete. 

Phase 4 Detour

The Phase 4 detour requires northbound traffic on Highway 29 will be outed north while westbound traffic on Highway 28 will be directed to 1st Avenue North and east to 7th Street and back to Highway 28.

Phase 5

The final phase of the project, Phase 5, is scheduled to start in early August and includes a mill and overlay of Highways 28 and 29 to the CP Rail bridge and Highway 55. Downtown sidewalks will be upgraded to ADA accessibility standards at each intersection.

Note: All work is weather-dependent and heavy rains have the potential to delay phases of the project.