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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

White Earth Nation Safety Planning Study

White Earth Nation

Study details

Map of White Earth Nation tribal boundaries

MnDOT, in partnership with the White Earth Tribal Nation, is completing a comprehensive evaluation of the tribal transportation network within the Tribal Safety Boundaries. This includes all roads within the Tribal Boundary, including State, County, Municipal, Township, Tribal, and other publicly owned roads. The emphasis is to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes within the Tribal boundaries. The traffic safety plan will use a risk-based approach and prior crash data to identify low, moderate, and high-cost safety projects for specific at-risk segments, curves, and intersections.   

The goal of this project is to produce an updated subset of traffic safety plans, incorporating new practices, crash data and lessons learned while building on the documents that were previously completed. The updated traffic safety plan will still have a focus on reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on the state and local roadway system while aligning with the statewide Strategic Highway Safety Plan.