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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

I-90 bridge reconstruction


About this project

I-90 bridge reconstruction project map
I-90 bridge reconstruction project map

Summary of work

There are six sites along I-90 in Austin that have bridges that are scheduled to be replaced or repaired 2024 to 2026. In a separate, earlier, project, a bridge at 11th Dr. NE was replaced in 2017 and a bridge at 28th St. NE was replaced in 2021.

Construction in 2024 started April 19 and it is anticipated to go through the fall.

Which bridges are part of this project?

There are six sites along I-90 in Austin involved in the project with each having different needs.

Oakland Ave. W / Hwy 105

A new bridge was constructed at Oakland Ave. (Hwy 105) over I-90. The new bridge includes a wide walkway, which will connect to a future city/county trail. Construction started April 19 and the bridge opened Oct. 18, 2024 View the design.

4th St. / Co. Rd. 45

A new interchange will be constructed to replace the current interchange. The new layout will provide for safer walkway crossings of I-90 and improved traffic flow. 4th St. will be closed for construction starting in the fall of 2024 and through the majority of the 2025 construction season. This construction is currently scheduled for 2024-2025. The demolition of the current bridge is scheduled to occur November 2024, and construction of the new bridge is expected to be finished fall of 2025. View the design.

6th St. and Cedar River

Both I-90 bridges over 6th St. will be resurfaced and two new I-90 bridges over the Cedar River will be constructed. Work on the eastbound bridges started May 31 and will be finished in fall of 2024. The I-90 westbound bridge work over 6th St. and the Cedar River will occur in the 2025 construction season.

14th St. / Hwy 218 North

The two bridges at this location will be replaced by one bridge and roundabouts will be constructed at each ramp intersection with 14th St. The southbound bridge will stay open to the extent possible during construction. Short duration detours will be provided at 4th St. This construction is currently scheduled for 2026. View the proposed design.

21st St. / Hwy 218 South

The 21st St. bridge and the south ramps will be reconstructed. The new bridge crossing will provide a wide walkway and connections to local trails. 21st St. will be closed during construction. 11th Dr. and 28th St. will be available for short detours. This construction is currently scheduled for 2026. View the proposed design.

Why are they being replaced?

I-90 is an important national east-west transportation route that connects many population centers in the U.S. in the Austin area. I-90 was built in the 1950s and the structures are at the end of their useful design life.

Traffic impacts

I-90 detour at 4th St. bridge

Scheduled Nov. 15-18

I-90 will be closed and detoured at 4th St. NW for bridge demolition

  • The closure of I-90 for the demolition will require detours beginning Friday, Nov. 15 and will be completed by Monday morning, Nov. 18. Initially, westbound ramps at Fourth Street Northwest and the bridge crossing will close during the daytime hours on Friday while crews remove traffic signals and then reopen ramps about 7 p.m., Friday for the bridge demolition.
  • The detours during demolition will be:
    • Eastbound I-90 traffic will exit at Oakland Avenue/ Highway 105 (Exit 175) on the west side of Austin. Traffic will take Oakland Ave./Hwy 105 east into Austin, continue on Hwy 105 south to Mower Co. Rd. 28 east to Hwy 218 north and return to I-90 on the east side of Austin.
    • Westbound I-90 traffic will go up and down the off- and on-ramps (Exit 178A) on the north side of the 4th St. interchange.
4th St. and 6th St. detour map during I-90 EB bridge work
4th St. and 6th St. detour map during I-90 EB bridge work

I-90 eastbound ramps at 4th St.

Scheduled May 2024 to winter 2024

  • I-90 eastbound off- and on-ramp to 4th St. is closed and detoured until the eastbound Cedar River bridge opens up in late December. Us the detours specified below with the 4th St. bridge closing - exiting at Exit 105 or getting on I-90 at other open interchanges.

4th St. bridge closed

Scheduled Nov. 15 to fall 2025

  • Westbound I-90 ramps at 4th St. Northwest will remain closed until the 4th St. bridge construction is completed in fall 2025.
    • The detour for westbound traffic is the 14th Street Northwest/Highway 218 north exit (Exit 177).
  • Eastbound I-90 ramps are closed but will open later in December once the eastbound I-90 Cedar River bridge reopens.
    • The detour for eastbound traffic is to use the Hwy 105/Oakland Ave. exit (Exit 175) to reach destinations south of I-90 or the 14th St. Northwest/Hwy 218 north exit (Exit 177) for destinations north of I-90.

I-90 eastbound lanes are closed east of 14th St. NW to 11th Dr. NE.

I-90 traffic will be in the westbound lanes with eastbound and westbound traffic using single lanes adjacent to each other. 

I-90 eastbound bridge resurfacing over 6th St.

Scheduled May 31 to fall 2024

  • I-90 eastbound off-ramp to 6th St. is closed and detoured:
    • I-90 eastbound motorists should use Exit 179 (11th Dr.), take a left and use the on-ramp to I-90 westbound. Next, motorists should take Exit 178B, the 6th St. exit.
  • I-90 eastbound on-ramp from 6th St. is closed and detoured:
    • Motorists should take the I-90 westbound on-ramp from 6th St., then take Exit 177 (Hwy 218 N/14th St. exit), take a left and use the I-90 eastbound on-ramp.

I-90 eastbound bridge construction over Cedar River

Scheduled June 3 to fall 2024

  • Cedar River closed: If you use boats, kayaks or canoes on the Cedar River in Austin, be alert that the river is closed until fall 2024.
    • Crews will be demolishing the eastbound bridge and removing the center pier. Once the removal work is done, it will continue to be dangerous to be on the water at this site, because construction crews will be building the new pier and abutments near or in the river channel.
    • During the I-90 bridge replacements, that section of the Cedar River State Water Trail will be off limits to paddlers and boaters who go through that part either from the upstream side or downstream where the city has a boat ramp on Austin Mill Pond. 
    • For people using the new canoe/kayak access below Ramsey Dam (3 river miles upstream from I-90), a small, rock access is available on Wolf Creek in Austin's Wildwood Park to get off the river. Paddlers need to turn upstream at the V-shaped confluence just north of I-90 and paddle upstream about 100 yards. Road access is on 17th Ave. NE, about 200 feet east of the landing.