Public meetings
Past meetings/events
Ribbon-cutting ceremony
Ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of Hwy 14 was held on Tuesday, Nov. 21 at 11:15 a.m. on the new eastbound Hwy 14 bridge in Courtland.
More information.
New Ulm to Nicollet - Weekly Construction Meetings
Bi-weekly public meetings were held on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. at the Courtland Community Center starting on April 18, 2023. Construction updates available online at: Construction updates - Hwy 14 Project - MnDOT (
2023 Construction Open House in Courtland
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Courtland Community Center (300 Railroad St)
MnDOT staff and Hoffman Construction provided a update in advance of the start of the second (and final) year of construction on this project and answered questions.
Farm-City Hub Club Farm Show in New Ulm
March 10, 2023, New Ulm Civic Center
MnDOT staff provided project and detour information.
Construction Open House in Courtland - March 22, 2022
MnDOT staff and Hoffman Construction provided project and detour information.
Construction open house at the Courtland Community Center
Farm-City Hub Club Farm Show in New Ulm
March 11, 2022, New Ulm Civic Center
MnDOT staff provided project and detour information.
Public Hearing on Municipal Consent, Courtland
April 15, 2021, Courtland City Hall
Gateway New Ulm - Weekly Construction Meetings
Weekly meetings for the public regarding the New Ulm Gateway construction were held on Mondays at 2:30 p.m. at 1800 South Valley Street in New Ulm during 2018 and 2019 construction.
Courtland - Feb, 22, 2018 2nd Task Force open house
Draft concepts of early Highway 14 four-lane will be presented for public input.
Gateway New Ulm - Feb.8 2018 construction open house
Construction schedule, construction impacts, detours and more.
Courtland - Feb. 1, 2018 1st Task Force open house
Highway 14 New Ulm to Nicollet Task Force open house introduced process and accepted input on key questions for design work.
New Ulm - July 31, 2017
National Night Out, German Park, New Ulm
New Ulm - Aug. 11-12, 2017
Brown County Fair
New Ulm - Dec. 6, 2016
Open house and public hearing on final layout for Gateway New Ulm project
New Ulm - March 31, 2016
Open house on aesthetics for Hwy 14/15 gateway to New Ulm. Over 90 people attended and provided input. 962 people completed the on-line survey.
New Ulm area - April 29, 2015
Open house style meeting to review and comment on alternatives for the future of Highway 14 in New Ulm.
North Mankato to Nicollet construction staging meeting - Oct. 13, 2014
Open house style meeting to review the construction staging for the 2015-16 expansion project from N. Mankato to west of Nicollet.
Nicollet Highway 14/111 intersection meeting - Dec. 16, 2013
Presentation materials:
- Preliminary intersection control evaluation findings
- Signalized intersection
- Modern roundabout
- Reduced Conflict Intersection (RCUT)
- Grade separated interchange (with local access)
- Grade separated interchange (with limited local access)
Open House on preliminary plans for North Mankato to Nicollet, July 2013
Project Manager Zak Tess along with design, traffic and right of way staff answered questions on early designs for the four-lane expansion from North Mankato to Nicollet for 80-90 people at the Nicollet Public School.
Presentation of Preferred Route, August 2009
Project Manager Peter Harff presented the preferred alignment and the details and decision-making process to over 150 people at the Courtland Community Center.
Public Hearings on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, February 2008
Two open houses with brief presentations were held in February - one in Courtland and one in Nicollet. Both were well attended and provided good feedback for the environmental review.
Informal Open Houses, April 2005
Two open houses were held in Nicollet and New Ulm to provide the public with the opportunity to preview information in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Over 150 people attended the meetings. Participants reviewed the initial impacts associated with different alternatives and talked about project issues.
Public Information Meeting, October 2004
This open house was held in Courtland in conjunction with an open house for the Mn/DOT District 7 Long Range Plan. People were able to review changes made to the alternatives based on input at earlier public and agency meetings. Additional information was provided regarding possible interchange designs. The public was informed that alternatives through the cities of Courtland and Nicollet would be dropped and that only the near north bypass alternative for Courtland would be retained. The meeting was well attended.
Informal Open Houses, July 2004
These open houses held in New Ulm, Courtland, Nicollet, and North Mankato officially "kicked-off" work on the US 14 EIS (Environmental Impact Statement). There was a great turnout at all of the meetings, which gave everyone the opportunity to share information and to discuss project issues.
Interchange Workshop, June 17, 2004, New Ulm City Hall
Representatives from local cities and counties gathered to discuss interchange options at four locations along US 14 - at MN 15 and County Road 21 in New Ulm; at County Road 37 in New Ulm; at County Road 24 north of Courtland; and at County Road 23 south of Nicollet. This resulted in the development of several interchange concepts.
Environmental Agency Workshop, July 21, 2004, DNR Headquarters in New Ulm
This workshop focused on environmental and engineering issues related to expanding US 14 to four lanes. Representatives from local communities, as well as state and federal environmental agencies participated. During the workshop, Mn/DOT learned more about:
- Environmental resources and objectives
- Resource agency plans along US 14 and how they fit with planned improvements, including the Swan Lake Wildlife Management Area