About this project

A map of the Hwy 169 St. Peter - Le Sueur project
Ten miles of northbound Highway 169 between St. Peter and Le Sueur will be resurfaced and drainage will be improved to reduce erosion.
Traffic impacts
- Project is largely complete, but some finishing work needs to take place when conditions dry out and then minimal single lane closures will be needed.
Additional Hwy 169 work
- Highway 169 Corridor Map - St. Peter to Jordan construction
- A Hwy 169 improvement project between Jordan and Blakely Township is also scheduled for spring through fall of 2018
- More information on this project can be found on the metro projects page
Summary of work
- Resurfacing Hwy 169 northbound lanes for a smoother road surface
- Replacing Hwy 169 northbound bridge over Robart’s Creek, just north of St. Peter
- Culvert sediment clean out and replacement or repair
- Sedimentation basin construction to capture sediment before it enters culverts
- Upgrading guardrails
- Adding high tension cable median barrier in locations to protect against median crossover head-to-head accidents
- Grading to improve drainage patterns and roadway side slopes
- Installing interchange lighting at the Hwy 169/Hwy 93 interchange in Le Sueur
- Adding Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) to provide traveler information
- Construction cost - $14.2 million