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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 40


About this project

The City of Willmar was selected to receive funding from the Transportation Economic Development Program (TED) to connect Hwy 40 to Willmar Industrial Park

The TED program specifically targets transportation improvements that will lead to measurable economic benefits. For a project to be eligible, it must contribute to job creation or retention or another measurable economic benefit. Eligible applicants are any governmental entity as defined by state law

You can learn more about the TED program here: Transportation Economic Development Program

Summary of work

  • Construct a left & right turn lane on Hwy 40 from 1300' east of CR 55, to 1400' west of CR 5
  • The turn lanes will improve traffic movement through the intersection and enhance safety

Traffic impacts

A detour will be required using CR 5, Hwy 12, and CR 55, and will be in place for approximately one month