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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 75 and Hwy 14

Lake Benton and Tyler

About this project

Hwy 75 Summary of work

  • Reconstruct Hwy 75 from just north of 175th Ave. to Hwy 14.
  • Replace storm sewer, lighting, and retaining walls.
  • Replace aging city sanitary and water utilities in the area.
  • Bring sidewalks and pedestrian ramps up to current Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards.
  • Learn more about the project and stay up to date.

Hwy 14 Summary of work

  • Resurface Hwy 14 from the railroad bridge (Bridge 41003) in Lake Benton to 0.2 miles east of the Lincoln/Lyon county line.
  • Culvert lining and or replacement along the project route.
  • Bring sidewalks and pedestrian ramps up to current ADA standards.

Hwy 75 and Hwy 14 project map with detour

Traffic impacts

  • There will be detours during Hwy 75 and Hwy 14 construction. As we near the start of the projects in 2027, detour routes and specific construction impacts will be shared with the community.