Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Diversity and Inclusion

A diversity and inclusion word cloud

Employee Resource Group (ERG) Rotation Program


MnDOT’s Employee Resource Group (ERG) Rotation Program is designed in partnership with the Office of Human Resources and MnDOT’s Leadership Development Program.

The goal of the program is to assist ERG members and allies gain work experience, develop competencies, and prepare for greater responsibility at MnDOT. The ERG Rotation program should not serve as a means for, nor does it guarantee, job promotion. 

However, it can provide career opportunities through learning, transferring of knowledge and skills, and having an impact in an area of work.

Benefits of participating

  1. Exposes employees to a wider range of operations in order to build participants skills/knowledge base and leadership within the agency. Supervisors benefit through exposure to employees from a diverse pool.
  2. Helps employees explore their interests. During the ERG rotation, employees are exposed to different operations, they can identify what they are good at and what they enjoy doing.
  3. Identifies knowledge, skills and abilities. Rotation helps managers as well as individuals identify their KSAs (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities).
  4. Motivates employees and supervisors to meet challenges in innovative and diverse ways. It encourages employees to perform better at every stage.
  5. Exposes employees to different tasks and functions, increasing their satisfaction level and helps employees develop a sense of belonging within the organization.
  6. Gives a diverse group of employees the opportunity to develop their skills, gain additional experiences, and develop their leadership competencies.
  7. Meets MnDOT's core value of diversity & inclusion and supports MnDOT’s Unified D&I Plan.

To be considered for the program, employees must...

  1. Be a member or ally of one of MnDOT’s Employee Resource Groups (ERG)
  2. Be currently enrolled or have completed MnDOT’s Leadership Development Program
  3. Have passed their employment probationary period
  4. Have taken the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)

To be considered a Host Division and appointed a Host Supervisor, a division or supervisor must...

  1. Have scheduled or have taken the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) at the time of the participant's placement
  2. Have strong supervisory skills
  3. Be willing to manage a diverse work team
  4. Assume budgetary responsibility for the ERG Rotation participant

Steps to apply

  1. Consider ERG Rotation
  2. Attend ERG Information Session
  3. Get an application
  4. Discuss ERG Rotation with Home Supervisor
  5. Complete & submit application
  6. On acceptance, meet with Host Supervisor
  7. Sign ERG agreement
  8. Work ERG Rotation
  9. Participate in Monthly Check-In Meetings
  10. Complete Rotation
  11. Complete final performance evaluation


  • NoteMailer disseminated from Office of Equity & Diversity – Jan. 3, 2017
  • Online Information Session – Jan. 10, 2017 (10-11 a.m.) and Jan. 12, 2017 (3-4 p.m.)
  • Application Deadline – Jan. 13, 2017 (4:30 p.m.)
  • Application Status Notification – Jan. 27, 2017
  • Placement – Feb. 22, 2017 / Mar. 8, 2017
  • 2017 Mobility Ends – Feb. 23, 2018 / Mar. 9, 2018

See the complete program guidelines (PDF).