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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Contaminated Materials

Contaminated material management resources

Facilities and maintenance

Facility projects such as building expansions, construction of new facilities, or upgrades to existing facilities require consideration of contaminated materials. See contaminated material management resources for facilities and maintenance projects.

State highway and road construction projects

The Contaminated Materials Management Team is involved beginning at scoping through end of construction for evaluation of potential contaminated soil and groundwater materials associated with a State Project (S.P.) scope. See contaminated material management resources for state highway and road construction projects.


The Contaminated Materials Management Team is involved with MnDOT's stakeholder Metro Transit on transit projects, such as light rail transit and bus rapid transit. See contaminated material management resources for transit projects.


The Contaminated Materials Management Team works with MnDOT districts to ensure spills of materials on or adjacent to the roadway are mitigated. See contaminated material management resources for spill cleanup.

Transportation project development process (TPDP)

The TPDP website provide information on contaminated material management and how these issues are related to the environmental document process. See TPDP contaminated materials and environmental due diligence for more information.