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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Flood Mitigation


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Statewide flood mitigation program

Work to construct a new bridge north of existing Hwy 101 Minnesota River bridge and raise existing two-lane roadway begins in 2014.
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Making state roads more resistant to future flood damage

The $50 million statewide flood mitigation program helps make state roadways more resistant to future flood damage. The program was created after substantial statewide flooding in fall 2010. It means lower costs to repair damage from future floods, creating more sustainable transportation in the future. It also provides more value and safer communities to Minnesotans with reduced repair costs and less traffic disruption.

Mitigation projects

The flood mitigation projects are funded through existing bond authority and include:

  • Improvements to drainage structures, slopes, berms and ditches prone to flooding
  • Repairs, realignments or raises to highways that regularly flood