Orange barrels on a highway

TED Project—Ramsey County

Lexington Avenue Congestion Mitigation

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Funding Package

The total project cost for the Lexington Avenue Congestion Mitigation project is $2,617,298.  TED funds from MnDOT and DEED contributed $1,000,000. Ramsey County and other governmental divisions are funding the rest.

Project Description
This project, located just north of I-694 on Lexington Avenue, will alleviate traffic congestion by providing additional turn lanes at the I-694 ramps and at the intersection with County Road F, which is located approximately 1/3 mile north of I-694. The project will support economic growth in the surrounding area because Lexington Avenue provides access to the primary employment centers in the cities of Arden Hills and Shoreview.

Transportation Impacts
The project will improve mobility by reducing congestion, and it will improve safety by providing dedicated turn lanes at the I-694 interchange ramp to the Lexington Avenue/County Road F intersection.    


Economic Development Impacts
This project will benefit several businesses in the close proximity of this area, most notably Boston Scientific Corporation and Land O’Lakes, Incorporated.  Boston Scientific occupies approximately 95 acres north of County Road F and employs about 3,000 employees. Improvements on Lexington Avenue are very important to Boston Scientific not only to maintain their levels of service but also to be able to expand their operations, which would create close to 1,500 jobs in the next two to five years.  Land O’Lakes, which is headquartered west of Lexington Avenue and employs 2,000 people in the Arden Hills facility, has been growing by approximately 100 new jobs per year.  Many other businesses in this fully developed area will benefit from improvements made on Lexington Avenue.