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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Maintaining Minnesota's Highways

Winter Maintenance Report

2023-24 at a glance

30,309 Lane Miles $ 93 Million 23.5" State Snowfall Average 148 Truck Stations 800+ Plow Trucks 89% Frequency Achieving Bare Lanes Total Cost of Winter 1,581 Full-time and Backup Snowfighters 114,155 Tons of Salt 9,756,115 Gallons of Brine 11,058 Tons of Sand

This section shows the two-year comparison of several key areas, including weather, materials used, cost and labor. The winter of 2023-24 was below average in most categories.  

Two-year comparison

Category Measure 2022-23 2023-24
Infrastructure Lane miles 30,132 miles 30,309 miles
Weather Snowfall, near MSP Airport
(Based on MnDOT Maintenance Decision Support System)
92.8 inches 20.8 inches
Weather Snowfall, statewide across districts
(Based on MnDOT Maintenance Decision Support System)
90.2 inches 23.5 inches
Weather Number of winter events, statewide average 26.9 events 13.7 events
Materials Salt used 260,380 tons 114,155 tons
Materials Average cost of salt per ton $86.31 $94.32
Materials Salt brine used 14.1 million gallons 9.8 million gallons
Materials Sand used 36,439 tons 11,058 tons
Costs and Performance

Total plowing and materials costs

(Based on fiscal year)

$174 million $93 million
Costs and Performance Total plowing and materials costs per lane mile, statewide average $5,793 $3,068
Costs and Performance Frequency of achieving bare lane after winter event
(70% target)
84% 89%
Labor and Services Regular labor hours 650,234 hours 357,495 hours
Labor and Services
(Business Intelligence data)
Overtime winter labor hours 203,268 hours 74,667 hours

2023-24 average district snowfall

D1 31.6" D2 28.7" D3 23.5" D4 20.6" METRO 21.2" D6 20" D7 17.3" D8 23.9"

Official weather reporting station snowfall

Year Near MSP Airport Statewide Average
2023-24 20.8 inches 23.5 inches
2022-23 92.8 inches 90.2 inches
2021-22 47.3 inches 63 inches
2020-21 59.2 inches 53 inches
2019-20 68.1 inches 71.7 inches

MnDOT uses a Winter Severity Index to simplify the comparison from year to year. Each district uses the same factors to calculate a single relative number. Factors include dewpoint, humidity, wind speed & gusts, precipitation type, frost, road & air temperatures, cloud cover, blowing snow and surface pressure.

Winter Severity Index by district for past five years

District 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
District 1 151 101 177 210 99
District 2 140 91 167 152 85
District 3 113 86 130 173 64

District 4

130 84 152 166 64
Metro District 89 74 101 157 46
District 6 108 70 94 142 50
District 7 116 77 75 121 51
District 8 112 79 90 139 58
Statewide 128 86 138 164 72

Average salt usage by district for past five years

in thousands of tons

District 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
District 1 30.8 19.1 32.1 37.7 17
District 2 11.8 9.8 11.6 15.1 12
District 3 30.2 22.1 29 44.8 20.3
District 4 11.9 9.9 10.8 16.4 7.7
Metro District 55.7 51.6 61 71.3 24.5
District 6 38.5 25.5 25.7 39.5 17.1
District 7 18 12 9.6 19.6 8.5
District 8 13.1 9.4 9.8 15.9 7
Statewide 210 159.3 189.5 260.4 114.2

Average liquid usage by district for past five years

in thousands of gallons

District 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
District 1 442.5 619.2 1,022.2 1,644.5 1,545.6
District 2 261.4 219.5 234.4 432.8 633.2
District 3 1,017.2 833.5 1,172.2 2,470.7 1,621.1
District 4 1,288.0 1,856.0 1,897.5 2,983.8 1,661.4
Metro District 754.1 821.0 1,154.6 1,997.2 1,487.1
District 6 937.2 839.4 935.1 1,752.0 1,223.5
District 7 1,556.7 1,171.7 1,263.9 1,993.8 1,010.6
District 8 291.6 234.0 417.7 869.5 573.5
Statewide 6,548.6 6,594.3 8,097.5 14,144.4 9,756.1

Average sand usage by district for past five years

in thousands of tons

District 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
District 1 8.4 6.2 12.2 16.5 4.1
District 2 4.3 2.8 6.9 5.9 4.1
District 3 0.5 1.3 1.1 2.2 0.2
District 4 2.4 2.1 5.6 3.7 0.7
Metro District 3.4 0.7 1 4.5 1
District 6 0.8 3 0.2 0 0
District 7 2 0.5 0.9 1.8 0.6
District 8 0.4 1.5 1.2 1.8 0.3
Statewide 22.3 18.1 29.1 36.4 11.1

Snow and ice expenditures were about 46.6%, or $81 million, less than the previous winter. A total of $93 million was spent on materials, labor and equipment.

$ 81 million less than 2022-23

Total spent for snow and ice control compared to winter severity

includes materials, labor and equipment

Year Cost Severity
2023-24 $93,000,000 72
2022-23 $174,000,000 164
2021-22 $148,000,000 138
2020-21 $116,000,000 86
2019-20 $127,000,000 128

$ 38.5 million less than 5-year average

Historical snow and ice expenditures trend

District 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Five-year average
District 1 $16,440,000 $12,948,000 $20,545,000 $22,053,000 $13,890,000


District 2 $10,004,000 $7,525,000 $13,252,000 $13,343,000  $9,159,000 $10,657,000
District 3 $15,280,000 $13,683,000 $18,904,000 $23,380,000 $12,618,000 $16,773,000
District 4 $12,777,000 $10,974,000 $16,478,000 $19,127,000 $9,993,000 $13,870,000
Metro District $29,823,000 $32,544,000 $42,120,000 $44,377,000 $19,086,000 $33,590,000
District 6 $17,585,000 $14,850,000 $14,155,000 $20,198,000 $11,096,000 $15,577,000
District 7 $13,483,000 $11,356,000 $10,953,000 $14,760,000 $8,487,000 $11,808,000
District 8 $9,181,000 $7,755,000 $8,575,000 $13,342,000 $5,985,000 $8,968,000
Other $2,487,000 $4,281,000 $2,835,000 $3,373,000 $3,489,000 $3,293,000
Statewide $127,064,000 $115,858,000 $147,816,000 $173,953,000 $93,003,000 $131,550,000

$ 8.01 /ton more than 2022-23

Salt costs - based on fiscal year

Average per ton

Year Cost
2023-24 $94.32
2022-23 $86.31
2021-22 $77.87
2020-21 $75.45
2019-20 $86.43

MnDOT met its overall performance target for the 2023-24 winter season. MnDOT has met or exceeded the 70% target the past 10 years. MnDOT worked to reduce road salt use on roadways and invested in updates to our systems and technologies. Bare lane regain time is measured from the time a winter event ends to when MnDOT’s snow and ice operations regain bare lane driving conditions. The target for this measure varies by road classification, ranging from 0 to 3 hours for the state’s most heavily traveled roadways to 9 to 36 hours for the least traveled secondary roads.

Frequency of meeting bare lane targets

Cost in millions from Business Intelligence

23.5" 2023-24 89% 90.2" 2022-23 84% 63.0" 2021-22 84% 87% 2020-21 53.0" 71.7" 2019-20 84% $93 $174 $148 $116 $127 Frequency Costs of winter season (in millions) Statewide snowfall average (MDSS)