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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


National Pooled Fund TPF-5(504)


Using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Monitor the Effects of Seasonal Moisture Variation on the Structural Capacity of Pavements, August 2022
by Calhoon, Zegeye, Velasquez, and Calvert

Correlating Field and Laboratory Evolution of Curing in Cold In-Place Recycled (CIR) Materials, July 2022
by Ogbo, Dave, Sias, and Zegeye

Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Monitor Seasonal Moisture Fluctuations in Base Layers of Existing Roads, 2022
by Zegeye, Holzbauer, and Dai

Cost-Effective Detection and Repair of Moisture Damage in Pavements, December 2021
by Elseifi, Dhakal, Abohamer, Ma, and Zihan

Application of Advanced Multi-Sensor Non-Destructive Testing System for the Evaluation of Pavements Affected by Transverse Crack-Heaving, 2021
by Zegeye, Calhoon, Johnson, and Dai

Method for Assessment of Modeling Quality for Asphalt Dielectric Constant to Density Calibration, 2020
by Steiner, Hoegh, Zegeye, and Dai

Toward Core-Free Pavement Compaction Evaluation: An Innovative Method Relating Asphalt Permittivity to Density, June 2019
by Hoegh, Roberts, Dai, and Zegeye

Ground Penetrating Radar Sensitivity to Marginal Changes in Asphalt Mixture Composition, December 2019
by Zegeye, Hoegh, Dai, Giessel, and Turgeon

Evaluation of Unbound Aggregate Base Layers using Moisture Monitoring Data, 2019
by Zegeye, Dai, and Walubita

Forensic Investigation of Premature Distress on I-70 Near Arriba and Flagler, Colorado, February 2017
by Randy C. West, Ph.D., P.E.

Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers, Volume 2 - Theoretical Models, 2013
by Heitzman, Maser, Tran, Brown, Bell, Holland, Ceylan, Belli, and Hiltunen

Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers (PDF), January 2012
by Heitzman, Maser, Tran, Brown, Bell, Holland, Ceylan, Belli, and Hiltunen