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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Metro District Planning, Program Management and Transit

Transportation Planning

Transportation planning is the process of defining policies, goals, investments and designs to prepare for future needs of the transportation system including roads and bridges. In the Twin Cities Metro District this process is an ongoing collaborative process that involves working with partners at the State and Local level to develop a multimodal transportation system that:

  • Supports economic vitality
  • Increases safety and security
  • Increases accessibility and mobility options
  • Protects the environment and improves quality of life
  • Enhances system integration and connectivity
  • Promotes efficient system management and operation
  • Emphasizes system preservation

MnDOT contributes to that process by providing continuing, coordinated and comprehensive transportation planning and investment management services including:

  • Metropolitan Planning Organization coordination
  • Program and project development
  • Commuter/light rail transit planning and implementation, and transitway planning
  • Advocating for and helping preserve metro area transit advantages such as bus-only shoulders and park and ride lots