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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Metro District Planning, Program Management and Transit

Transportation planning studies

Transportation studies are designed to:

  • Guide future investments to the state trunk highway system within Metro District’s eight-county metropolitan area
  • Identify transportation system and service deficiencies and conceptual solutions needed to address desired performance levels (including, but not limited to, infrastructure or operational improvements)

Studies can be conducted at the statewide, regional, corridor, or project level – and may result in concepts that need further scoping and design to develop into construction projects ready for delivery. This early project definition affects later development elements such as programming and project development for consideration in the Metro District Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP).

MnDOT planning documents

Coordination and Guidance

The Metropolitan Council is the Twin Cities regional planning agency, it:

  • Provides planning assistance
  • Promotes communication with communities and the people and agencies responsible for planning them
  • Coordinates review of local comprehensive land use plans, including the Transportation Section of those plans