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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Family of Plans


System Investment Plans

state aviation system plan logo

State Aviation System Plan (SASP)

The primary objective of the Minnesota State Aviation System Plan is to provide the state with excellent planning tools to assist in making informed decisions guiding the development of Minnesota's system of airports and expending funds in a cost-effective manner. The intent for this plan is that it be accepted and embraced by the Minnesota aviation community, regulatory and funding agencies, the general public, and lawmakers. Toward that end it has been developed in an open, collaborative, and innovative manner with end products that are user-friendly.

statewide bicycle system plan logo

Statewide Bicycle System Plan

The Statewide Bicycle System Plan is a modal plan that follows the completion of the Statewide Bicycle Planning Study.

statewide freight system plan logo

Statewide Freight System Plan

This 2015 Statewide Freight System Plan will provide a policy framework and strategies for MnDOT and other public and private sector freight stakeholders to guide planning and investment in various transportation modes.

20-year state highway investment plan

State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP)

The 20-Year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan 2014-2033 supports the guiding principles from the Minnesota GO vision and link the policies and strategies laid out in the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan to improvements on the state highway system. The state highway system is a network of roads that includes interstates, U.S. highways, and state highways. MnDOT maintains the state’s 12,000-mile highway system. MnSHIP will guide future capital improvements on Minnesota’s state highway system over the next twenty years; it will not affect local or county roads.

statewide ports and waterways plan

Statewide Ports & Waterways Plan

Minnesota’s marine freight system—including river and lake ports, commercially navigable waterways and related infrastructure — plays a vital role in the state’s multimodal freight transportation system, and in the economic competitiveness of Minnesota's communities. This is the first-ever plan for the ports and waterways system in Minnesota.

statewide pedestrian system plan

Statewide Pedestrian System Plan

The Minnesota Department of Health and MnDOT are currently undergoing the development of a first-ever statewide Pedestrian System Plan. Given the extensive gathering and review of data, the Plan has been divided into two phases. Phase I involves background research and internal information gathering as to the current state of the pedestrian environment across the state. Phase II consists of developing a statewide vision for pedestrians. Phase II began with a visioning session on Wednesday, August 13th, 2014, at Union Depot in St. Paul. Various stakeholders were invited to provide input on a more pedestrian-friendly Minnesota.


State Rail Plan

The Minnesota State Rail Plan is MnDOT’s modal plan for the state’s freight and passenger rail system. Its primary purpose is to establish guidance and priorities for the state transportation decisions—ensuring that efficient, competitive services are available to rail customers and that freight access to local and global markets is enhanced. In alignment with Minnesota GO, the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan, the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan and other documents, the Plan will provide an overall framework for effective use of the state’s freight and passenger rail network and its future development.

Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan

The 2016 plan is a long range plan and five-year update to refine the investment priorities and strategic direction for Greater Minnesota transit. The plan’s objective is to improve mobility for the general public with emphasis on seniors, low income populations, homeless populations, individuals with disabilities, veterans, New Americans and commuter consumer groups. The plan will combine technical analysis with community input to develop a strategic direction and investment priorities. The process will be completed in summer 2016.