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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Family of Plans


Our family of plans

Minnesota GO started with the 50-Year Vision, but extends to an entire family of plans that provide direction for different modes of transportation (highways, transit, rail, bikes, pedestrians, freight, aviation).

A vision is a description of a desired future. It answers the question “what are we trying to achieve?” It does not answer the question “how will we do it?” – This is addressed in the subsequent statewide, modal and regional planning efforts that constitute the Family of Plans.

The Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan serves as the framework plan for MnDOT's family of plans, or the system investment plans. This multimodal plan is important because it establishes guidance and priorities for state transportation decisions, which filters down into specific plans for each part of the transportation system.

System Investment Plans offer mode-specific strategies and guidance, establish performance measures and performance-based needs, conduct risk-based assessments and investment tradeoffs, and identify system priorities.

Transportation decisions ultimately make it into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program which identifies priority projects and how money will be spent. To keep pace with changing priorities, opportunities, and challenges, the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan and the different system investment plans are updated every 4 to 6 years; the STIP is updated annually.

a graphic depicting the Minnesota Go family of plans.