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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 10 Access Planning Study

Ramsey, Anoka

Study complete

The Hwy 10 Access Planning Study is complete. Improvement projects and an implementation plan based upon the study were presented at the final public open house on June 25, 2014. A final study report was completed in Aug. 2014 and is available by contacting us.

For detailed layouts of the improvement projects under consideration or a copy of any documents produced in this study, please contact us.


More than 20 small projects have been identified through the study that can accomplish 90% of the safety and operational benefits of a freeway for less than half the cost of a freeway.

Over 20 smaller projects have been identified and prioritized into implementation timeframes. This will allow MnDOT, Anoka County, and partnering cities to focus their efforts and work together to fund and deliver future projects.

Next steps

MnDOT, Anoka County, and partnering cities will move the projects forward by providing strategic and aggressive leadership, and by searching for city, county, state and federal funding to advance improvements on and off Hwy 10.


Hwy 10 study area map
Click map for larger version.

MnDOT and Anoka County, in cooperation with the Cities of Ramsey and Anoka, conducted the Hwy 10 Access Planning Study to re-examine and identify the ultimate amount of access, types of access and locations of access to Hwy 10 between the Anoka/Sherburne County line and the Rum River. Based upon traffic volumes and safety concerns along this stretch of Hwy 10, project partners agree a freeway is the proper vision for this corridor.

Considering current overall state and federal funding levels, it will be difficult to achieve the vision of a freeway facility on this portion of Hwy 10 in the next 20 years. To reduce crashes and improve mobility issues, it is reasonable and responsible to implement lower-cost, interim measures that incrementally improve safety and operations for all users of the Hwy 10 corridor.

This study was completed so that high-benefit improvements that are fiscally responsible could be identified so that improvements can be funded, programmed and implemented incrementally to improve the corridor’s mobility and safety, for motorists and pedestrians, in a timely manner.