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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 36 study

Roseville, Little Canada and Maplewood

About this study

Highway 36 between I-35W in Roseville and English Street in Maplewood study location map

Hwy 36 study location map.

View full-size map

MnDOT is looking ahead to the future of Hwy 36 in Roseville, Little Canada and Maplewood. This 8-mile segment of Hwy 36 is a vital east/west route for many, including commuters, shoppers, students and local residents. For people going north and south, crossing Hwy 36 can be inconvenient and require out-of-direction travel, especially by bike or on foot.

The team will also ask for public input at community meetings, events and in surveys. Visit the meetings webpage and sign up for email updates for more information on how to give us your input.

Summary of work

  • Report on existing conditions
  • Ask people to share their transportation needs
  • Produce a Purpose and Need Statement the describes existing and future problems
  • Brainstorm new ideas (alternatives) for long-range improvements
  • Evaluate these ideas through technical analysis and public input
  • Describe the most promising ideas and next steps

Why this study is needed

  • To understand more fully what the needs of people traveling along and across MN 36 are
  • To make sure that future improvements to pavement and bridges will meet peoples’ needs
  • To better connect people and businesses to their destinations
  • To support the land use development and transportation goals of Ramsey County and the cities of Roseville, Little Canada, and Maplewood

Study timeline

The study will occur over three phases:

Phase 1: Analysis and input (February – September 2023)

The study team collected and analyzed technical data including safety, land uses, pollution and air quality, access, economics and climate impacts.

The study team also asked for community input. In 2023, more than 200 people gave in-person comments at public events and meetings, along with over 1,500 survey responses with more than 5,000 comments.

Primary needs

The technical analysis and public input found that the primary needs of people travelling along and across Hwy 36 are:

  • Vehicle Mobility (less congestion, better travel times)
  • Vehicle Safety (reducing crashes, especially fatal and severe ones)
  • Walkability/Bikeability (making it safer and more comfortable for people walking and biking across the highway)
Mobility: What people said

Of the 1,539 people who took the study’s online survey, 71% said that they have avoided driving on Hwy 36. Rush hour congestion was mentioned by more than half of people responding. Traffic congestion in general was ranked as the top mobility problem.

“[I]… avoid rush hours where possible”   “Too congested”   “Too busy at rush hour”  -Comment from the online survey

“It is very congested during rush hour. I avoid it and take B2 instead.”  -Comment from an outreach event

Safety: What people said

People said safety at the on/off ramps to Hwy 36 is a top concern. Merging and the length of ramps were frequently mentioned problems.

“[Ramps are]… very dangerous, not enough room to accelerate to proper highway speeds, lane not long enough to coordinate merges in heavy/fast traffic, you are essentially dumped into highway speed traffic while moving at a slower speed. Merging lane needs to be longer.”  -Comment from the online survey

Walking and Biking: What people said

More than 1 in 10 people responding to the survey said they bike and/or walk across Hwy 36. At least a third of them said they avoid walking and biking across Hwy 36 because they don’t feel safe, or that the conditions are inhospitable.

“Snelling Ave is downright dangerous on a bike but the only remotely viable options (Hamline and Fairview) are also dangerous and incredibly dilapidated. Could probably say the same regarding Hwy 61, using English or Edgerton as alternatives, these roads/crossings were not designed with cyclists in mind.”  -Comment from online survey

Phase 2: Alternatives evaluation (September 2023 – March 2024)

The study team developed ideas for improvements and evaluated their ability to meet the purpose and needs. The study team asked for public feedback on these ideas for improvement with a survey, public meetings and other engagement activities. These ideas for improvements are high-level ideas that shape the future vision of Hwy 36 in the study area.

Phase 3: Study document (March – Spring 2025)

Using the analysis and public input from phase 2, the study team will create a document that describes the ideas that meet the purpose and needs. This document will also describe next steps.