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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

I-35 Study

Burnsville and Lakeville

Study complete

About this study

I-35 between the I-35/35E/35W split in Burnsville and 210th Street in Lakeville study location map

I-35 Burnsville to Lakeville study location map.

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We studied a 7-mile segment of I-35 between the I-35E/35W split in Burnsville and 210th St. in Lakeville between fall 2022 and spring 2024. The purpose of the study was to identify and prioritize corridor improvements ahead of upcoming road improvements:

  • The upcoming I-35 and Co. Rd. 50/5 (Kenwood Trail) interchange reconstruction planned for 2026
  • Upcoming pavement improvements scheduled in 2029
  • Other potential future road improvements

Summary of findings

After summarizing findings in the Purpose and Need Statement and gathering public feedback, the study considered potential roadway improvements to identify feasible options for future development. These are some of the potential improvements to explore further on upcoming projects:

  • Improve bridge and pavement conditions throughout the corridor
  • Reconstruct the I-35 and Co. Rd. 50/5 (Kenwood Trail) interchange
  • Add E-ZPASS lanes from the I-35W/I-35E split to the Co. Rd. 5/50 interchange
  • Add general purpose lanes from I-35W/I-35E split through Co. Rd. 5/50
  • Add auxiliary lanes between I-35W/I-35E split through Co. Rd. 60
  • Extend general purpose lanes between Co. Rd. 5/50 and Co. Rd. 60
  • Improve multimodal access along and across I-35

Findings are documented in the final report (PDF).

Summary of work

  • Presented project background information and set expectations
  • Collected information on issues and opportunities
  • Shared engagement results during each successive engagement effort
  • Engaged stakeholders who were historically under-represented in the public engagement process

Information collection and analysis

In the first phase of the I-35 study, we gathered and analyzed information about the study area. This included existing community plans, traffic counts, crash history, and road conditions. Based on this analysis, we identified the following primary needs for this segment of I-35:

  • Safety: Many locations in this segment of I-35 have higher crash rates than expected. This is mostly caused by congestion during peak hours of the day.
  • Mobility: The high number of vehicles during peak hours causes congestion near the I-35W and I-35E split and the Hwy 5/50 interchange. Future development in the area is expected to further increase congestion.
  • Infrastructure: Some bridges need replacement and pavement needs repair in this segment of I-35.

This analysis is documented in the Draft Purpose and Need Statement (PDF).

Public engagement

Our engagement goals were to inform the public about the study and collect input on what types of improvements should be prioritized. We engaged with over 2,000 community members.

Traffic flow and safety were the top two types of improvements people wanted to see. Specific suggestions included adding lanes, reducing congestion, and improving ramps and merging conditions. The most discussed areas were Hwy 5/50, the I-35W and I-35E split, Juniper Way/Co. Rd. 70/210th St., and Co. Rd. 60/185th St.

For more details on engagement activities and the information collected during public outreach, visit the engagement summary webpage.