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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

I-35E and Shepard Road

St. Paul and Lilydale

About this project

I-35E between Highway 5/West 7th Street in St. Paul and Highway 13 in Lilydale project location map

I-35E in St. Paul and Lilydale project area map

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We will replace the aging I-35E bridge over Shepard Rd. near downtown St. Paul, which is near the end of its service life. Replacing the bridge will save money that is being spent on repairs and other maintenance in addition to providing a new, modern structure that will provide safe transportation for motorists for many years. Additional concrete repairs will be made on the I-35E Mississippi River bridge to provide a smoother driving surface and extend the life of the bridge.

Summary of work

  • Replace the I-35E bridge over Shepard Rd.
  • Concrete pavement reconstruction and repairs on I-35E bridge over the Mississippi River

Traffic impacts

All traffic impacts are tentative and weather dependent.


Information about upcoming traffic impacts will be posted as details become available. Shepard Rd. will be closed and detoured beneath I-35E. Ramps closures will occur on I-35E and Hwy 5/W. 7th St. Motorists can also expect lane closures during construction.