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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Edina, Bloomington and Richfield

Noise barriers

Noise barriers are solid obstructions built between the highway and properties along the highway designed to reduce the noise level of vehicles. Barriers can be either berms or high vertical walls. Constructing a noise wall must be feasible and reasonable. Feasibility and reasonableness are determined by cost, amount of noise reduction, safety, and site considerations.

Traffic noise along I-494 between E. Bush Lake Rd. in Edina and 12th Ave. N. in Richfield exceeds the state and federal noise standards at some locations. A noise study concluded that five noise walls along I-494 between Edina and Richfield would meet the necessary criteria to reduce noise for properties adjacent to I-494 by at least five decibels.

The proposed noise walls are 20-foot tall structures built with concrete panels and posts.

For more information about traffic noise analysis and noise barriers, please visit MnDOT’s Noise webpage.

Locations of noise walls

  • Wall 2
    North side of I-494 between Penn Ave. S and Xerxes Ave. S
  • Wall 3
    North side of I-494 between 4th Ave. S and 2nd Ave. S
  • Wall 4
    North side of I-494 between 12th Ave. S and Portland Ave. S
  • Wall 5
    North side of I-494 between Bloomington Ave. S and 12th Ave. S
  • Wall 13
    North side of I-494 between Nicollet Ave. S and Wentworth Ave. S