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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 52 Lafayette Bridge, I-94 and I-35E

St. Paul

Study complete

Lafayette Bridge in St. Paul study location map

Lafayette Bridge study location map.

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About this study

We have completed a study of NB Hwy 52 and its exit ramps to I-94 and E. 7th St. as well as the WB I-94 exit ramp to NB I-35E east of downtown St. Paul.

The new Lafayette Bridge opened in 2015. While traffic volumes have remained relatively stable over the pre- and post-bridge construction years, the crashes on Hwy 52 have almost tripled. The safety and capacity of this area is a visible public issue that needs to be addressed. The key issues appear to be lane imbalance on NB Hwy 52 and weaving on WB I-94 between the NB Hwy 52 and I-35E ramps.

We updated pavement markings on the Lafayette Bridge in 2020. Additional lane guidance and congestion signs were installed on NB Hwy 52 in late 2021/early 2022.

Summary of work

The study reviewed existing traffic operations to determine the project purpose and need. The study identified and evaluated the current issues and potential solutions to improve safety and traffic movements. An initial evaluation with input from the public and other stakeholders, found that additional changes could provide temporary relief for motorists in the area until a full or partial solution can be constructed.

We will continue to work with the public and other stakeholders to develop ideas and proposals to improve safety and traffic flow in the Hwy 52/I-94/I-35E Interchange area.

Note: This study does not include replacement of the existing Lafayette bridge over the Mississippi River or any structural changes to the bridge.

Copies of the final report from this study are available upon request.