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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Nicollet Avenue Bridge


About this project

Nicollet Avenue Bridge over I-94 in Minneapolis project location map

Nicollet Ave. Bridge project location map.

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We are replacing the Nicollet Ave. bridge that crosses over I-94 near downtown Minneapolis. Originally built in 1966, the bridge needs to be replaced to continue to serve pedestrians and motorists that use the bridge and I-94.

Summary of work

  • Replace the old bridge with a new bridge
  • Add accessible sidewalk ramps
  • Add new crosswalks on north and south sides of bridge

Traffic impacts

All traffic impacts are tentative and weather dependent.


Information about upcoming traffic impacts will be posted as details become available. Motorists can expect one full weekend closure of I-94 to demolish the bridge, two overnight directional closures to set beams, and one full closure of I-94 overnight to pour the bridge deck. The Nicollet Ave. bridge will be fully closed to pedestrians and traffic between E. 16th St. and E. 18th St. for the duration of the project.